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Articles written by jay simons

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  • Question of the Week

    Jay Simons|Mar 22, 2018

    JONATHAN ZIGLER, Thompson Falls –“I’m actually a youth pastor in Plains. We plan on cleaning up the park.” ALAN CHOJNACKY, Trout Creek – “Get out of the house.” GARY CRABTREE, Thompson Falls – “Go fishing for pike in the Noxon Rapids Reservoir.” JAN HARRIS, Thompson Falls – ” Take more walks and enjoy the sunshine.” RICHARD NYGAARD, Trout Creek – “Do yard work if I could ever get under the snow.” JUNE SIMMERMAN, Thompson Falls – “Go outside and look at my flowers since the snow is off my yard....

  • Do you think President Trump can make a deal with North Korea?

    Jay Simons|Mar 15, 2018

    MARILYN LAWRENCE, Thompson Falls ­— “If anybody can, he can.” HEATHER MILLS, Thompson Falls –“I’m hopeful for everyone’s sake. I really don’t want a war.” CHERYL FRASER, Thompson Falls – “I think that Trump needs to be very careful because Rocket Man is very deceptive. He’s making a deal with the devil. I wouldn’t believe him for anything.” JAMES LACER, Thompson Falls – “Yes he could because he has a backbone.” WAYNE KIMBERLY, Thompson Falls – ”I hope so. Try to get him to back off on nuclear weapons. The Clintons gave them all the information...

  • What kind of business would you like to come to Sanders County?

    Jay Simons|Mar 8, 2018

    PEGGY CARLSON, Trout Creek – “The Subway sandwich shop is closed. We’ll wait and see what they will do there.” PAUL “ARNE” CARLSON, Trout Creek – “A technology business. Any kind would do. We need jobs.” JIM KROGMAN, Thompson Falls – “We need something to keep our young people here. We’ve had a lot of discussions, but no answers.’ CHIRP HJELM, Thompson Falls – “We need a tire store in town and a drive-in in town.” NADEAN NELSON, Trout Creek – “There’s lots of businesses that we need in Thompson Falls like a dollar store. Plains has one. We ne...

  • What should be done to prevent school shootings?

    Jay Simons|Mar 1, 2018

    JEANETTE LORD, Thompson Falls – “Educate the parents to not let their kids play such violent video games.” DIANA CURRY, Thompson Falls – “I think it should be brought down to help the individual kid. Kids shouldn’t just be passed through. The real issue is how much bullying the kid has to experience.” KRAZY ERNIE FRANKE, Thompson Falls – “You can’t prevent all of this violence. When we grew up every house had a gun. They knew guns killed. I drove school bus for 30 years and have seen the difference between how the kids behaved then and no...

  • What's your opinion of the county not recycling plastic?

    Jay Simons|Feb 15, 2018

    TAMMY KESSLER, Thompson Falls – “I’m not doing recycling now but I think we should be recycling everything we can. The county needs to recycle plastic. I’m from Oregon and you have to take packaging back to the store, and you get a few cents back on each.” JERRY HART, Thompson Falls – “Plastic really doesn’t affect me. I recycle pop cans and things like that but not plastic.” TOM CUDDY, Plains – ‘Recycling is a good thing. The county has such limited resources and we have to be fiscally responsible. We need to figure out ways to make it fisca...

  • What's the most romantic thing someone has done for you?

    Jay Simons|Feb 8, 2018

    NAOMI PARRISH, Missoula – “To sit at home on the couch and watch a movie. In Missoula, everybody is going out to eat. It’s a zoo.” JOHN SHERIDAN, Plains – “I always get flowers for my wife and candy, but I’m not a romantic guy.” MIKE TRULL, Thompson Falls – “God sent a bear to attack me. The P.A. in the ER at Plains was Robin. After she sewed me up she married me.” SHARON LEVINE, Thompson Falls – “My husband gave me a 2-pound box of See’s Bordeaux chocolates. They are better flavored by Godiva. They are very pretty but the flavor is not.” SUS...

  • What's your favorite Olympic sport and why?

    Jay Simons|Feb 1, 2018

    MICHAEL HEDAHL, Thompson Falls – “Downhill skiing because I’ve skied a lot over the past 14 years. I’m fascinated with speed. People can go at such high speeds.” SHARON POUND, Thompson Falls – “I like the skiing and snowboarding. I just like it.” JACQUE JONER, Thompson Falls – “Probably ice skating. I like the grace and choreography. “ TILLIE WOLLASTON, Thompson Falls – “I do watch it especially when my favorite programs are not on. I pretty much like all the sports.” CHUCK HAMMETT, Thompson Falls – “I like the downhill skiing. It’s exciting...

  • What is your favorite Super Bowl snack?

    Jay Simons|Jan 25, 2018

    Question of the week...

  • What's your favorite place to go to get away from winter?

    Jay Simons|Jan 18, 2018

  • What is your best tip for dealing with winter?

    Jay Simons|Jan 11, 2018

    LANNY PITTMAN, Thompson Falls – “Make sure you dress warm; make sure your vehicle is maintained; avoid driving when roads are too bad and watch out for ice.” JIM CHAMBERS, Trout Creek – “Just enjoy it. I do a lot of fishing. I’m often successful going for pike and perch.” CHYENE BAIRD, Thompson Falls – “I play a lot of board games with my three kids. I do some painting in acrylics. I read a lot of books and a lot of couch snuggling with my baby.” MARGE HAYNACK, Thompson Falls – “I get out there and shovel and get rid of it. Get to work and kee...

  • What would be the best thing that could happen to you in 2018?

    Jay Simons|Jan 4, 2018

    BOB OLSON, Thompson Falls – "To live another year. You never know what will happen in a year's time." RON BELGER, Trout Creek – "To stay healthy, to be outside in wide open spaces and to enjoy the outdoors." SHERRY DECKER, Plains – "That my family will be healthy, happy and that good things happen to everyone." JENNIFER SHOWEN, Trout Creek – "To have more Jesus in our lives and more family time together." CONNOR PHILLIPS, Trout Creek –­ "I want to start working at Costco this summer. I'm enroll...

  • What do you think has been the best invention?

    Jay Simons|Dec 14, 2017

    CAROL SMITH, Thompson Falls – "Computer email. You Can keep in touch with your relatives and it doesn't cost you a thing." KATHY WINKLE, Sagle, Idaho ­– "The cellphone. It's the only phone I have. No landline." GARY McGRAW, Plains – "Being a bachelor, I'd think it's a microwave." JAMES THOMAS, Thompson Falls – "In the winter time, electric blankets. When my wife and I were first married, I told her I'd get her a dishwasher. I would wash dishes on holidays, but she started adding all the holidays, including Jewish ones." KIM BAY, Thompson...

  • What inspires you?

    Jay Simons|Dec 7, 2017

    LYNNE EATON, Trout Creek – "My family inspires me, especially my husband." BESS PUTNAM, Trout Creek – "God and helping other people." ROBERT HOLMAN, Seattle, working in Thompson Falls – "My family, working, life in general." KERRIE CLINKENBEARD, Plains – "Love, my family and good friends." DEREK Van WYKE, Seattle (here visiting family ) – "Self betterment. I look for ways to improve myself." SUSAN GRAF, Trout Creek – "The Bible. I enjoy reading the Bible. God inspires me. The view... the...

  • Did you have a successful hunting season?

    Jay Simons|Nov 30, 2017

    JUSTIN MEACHAM, Thompson Falls – "Yes. I got a whitetail buck. I could have gotten an elk. It would have made me happier and we would have had more meat in the freezer." MICAH BRAUN, Thompson Falls – " I used to live in Thompson Falls and went to Idaho for a while but we just moved back. I shot a doe during archery season." GINNY FLEWELLING, Thompson Falls – "I didn't hunt but my husband, Bob, did and he got a whitetail buck." JOHN BELKNAP, Belknap – "This is my first year hunting since I had s...

  • How do you fix a Thanksgiving turkey?

    Jay Simons|Nov 23, 2017

    SAMUEL DeLEON, Thompson Falls – "We just buy it in a store. My mom puts some kind of seasoning on it. You put in the oven at 5 degrees for 15 minutes. I don't know what is in the stuffing and I like it, but the legs are the best. I never made a turkey before." ALLAN McGANN, Thompson Falls – "We are going hunting the day before Thanksgiving. When we get him home, I'm going to eat it. But first, I'll put stuffed animals in it. We'll cook it as hot as lava. I saw a wild turkey in the school yar...

  • Did your taxes go up? How does that impact you?

    Jay Simons|Nov 16, 2017

    BRAD STEWART, Thompson Falls – "No. We have only been here a year and it's the same as last year. It's much cheaper than Idaho where we came from." DORIS STOWE, Thompson Falls – "No. They were the same as last year and I'm happy about that." AUDREY FLOCKERZI, Trout Creek – "They went up a little bit but not much." MUSA CUNNINGHAM, Trout Creek – "No. I have a mobile home and as it gets older, it depreciates. You pay a lesser amount." MARTHA OLSON, Thompson Falls – "I hope it doesn't go up too hi...

  • Does Blue Cross Blue Shield pulling coverage affect you?

    Jay Simons|Nov 2, 2017

    MARIA MYERS, Heron – “No, because I have federal Blue Cross Blue Shield. I worked at the post office for many years. That’s the only benefit I have in retirement. I worked a lot of other jobs in my life, but there were no benefits.” WILLIE DOUMA, Trout Creek and Bozeman – “I have to look for new coverage under my Advantage Plan. I got really stressed out because I had only a week to get it straightened out. This is really a bad problem.” JUDY HAINES, Thompson Falls – “We are on Blue Cross Blue Shield and it is a separate plan. If you are...

  • Crew hires Heron locals for movie

    Jay Simons|Nov 2, 2017

    Have you ever wanted to go to Hollywood and be in a feature film with known actors and actresses? Well you could have done so in Sanders County last week. That opportunity happened in Heron for some of the residents. A movie company filmed a segment of a movie called Radio Flash at the home of “Crazy Eddie” Bernier where he recycles old cars and other material. Originally, it was thought that Eddie would be in the movie because he is such a “local character,” but it didn’t work out that way. The premise of the film was that there was a cyber a...

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