Independently owned since 1905

Articles written by sherry hagerman-benton

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  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Jun 11, 2020

    4 YEARS AGO • MAY 22, 1980 NEW MUSEUM ON ITS WAY "We're on our way," declared Eleanor Dickinson, president of the Sanders County Historical Society, at a luncheon meeting Friday noon at the Towne House Lobby. Her reference was to the establishment of a museum in the old county jail. Mrs. Dickinson said that as soon as the county commissioners approve the three-year lease agreement, green thumb workers will be available through the city to begin clean-up, painting and other work to ready the m...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Jun 4, 2020

    3 YEARS AGO • JUNE 7, 1990 HIGH RUN-OFF PEAKS EARLY Although the spectacular rush of high, muddy water attracted a lot of attention to the Thompson Falls dam this weekend, the flow was minor compared to historic high flows for the Clark Fork. According to Steve Saint at the Montana Power Company plant in Thompson Falls, the flow of the Clark Fork across the Thompson Falls Dam was 58,000 cubic feet per second Monday and 61,830 cfs Saturday, the peak of the current run-off. And judging from historical flows, the peak may have occurred. A c...

  • Remember When

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|May 28, 2020

    7 YEARS AGO • MAY 31, 1950 NOXON MAN DROPS DEAD WHILE TRYING TO SHOOT A MARAUDING BEAR A man who had been working on the same Noxon ranch for 39 years dropped dead Sunday before he could squeeze off a shot to kill a bear which was trying to slaughter calves in a pen. Mrs. Dameron, wife of the owner of the Dameron ranch near Noxon, told this story: William T. Geske, 61 the worker had been milking cows Sunday evening when a bear moved out of the brush and tried to kill calves in a pen at the ranc...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|May 21, 2020

    1 YEARS AGO MAY 27, 1920 SUPERIOR SPORTSMEN WANT MORE CHAR Say Power Company’s Dam Stops Fish From Ascending River A.L. Anderson, deputy game warden, went to Superior, Mineral County, last week to investigate complaints made by some of the citizens there as to the breaking of the game law. One complaint states that since the construction of the Thompson Falls Power company dam, char or bull trout do not ascend the river to that point on account, as the complaint states of an insufficient fish ladder at our dam. We do not know how the fish l...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|May 14, 2020

    7 YEARS AGO • MAY 17, 1950 MANY AT PARADISE TO SEE THE PRESIDENT Last Thursday night, about 11:20, the President’s train stopped at Paradise for about twenty minutes. Many from Thompson Falls had gone there to be present with the hundreds of others from all over Sanders County. Governor Bonner had the pleasure of introducing President Harry S. Truman who made a short talk and introduced Mrs. Truman and daughter, Margaret. Among those personally asked to greet the president and his party were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Mahoney of Thompson Falls, wh...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Apr 30, 2020

    THOMPSON FALLS (County seat of Sanders County) Taken from Cry of the Homestead by Wavie Charlton, 1976 Thompson Falls is a small town but a most important one. It is the “helm and the hub” of Sanders County, being the location of the county seat. The town is located in a rather small valley in the west end of the county. It is beautified by the nearness of the Clark Fork River flowing serenely by. On either side the little community is somewhat walled in by rather high, forested mountains. It is perhaps one of the most scenic small towns in...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Apr 23, 2020

    5 YEARS AGO • APRIL 23, 1970 EMPLOYMENT PICTURE BRIGHTER AS SOME LOGGING RESUMES The employment picture in Sanders County is improving this week as some loggers returned to the woods and the picture will brighten still further next week after one of the slowest springs in recent years. The Anaconda Co.'s logging and log hauling operations will get back into full swing Monday. Some loggers returned to the woods this week so that hauling can be resumed Monday. Many locals are familiar with the A...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Apr 16, 2020

    5 YEARS AGO • APRIL 16, 1970 FALLS ‘CHET’ HUNTLEY FILMING WAR DANANG, Vietnam – Chief Warrant Officer Harley L. (Chet) Huntley of Thompson Falls flies with pilots of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW) to photograph the wing’s role in Vietnam. Huntley, photographic officer for the 1st MAW, has recently been flying in the back seat of the OV-10 Bronco observation plane taking motion picture footage of Marine Corps aircraft flying combat missions. His motion picture footage is sent to the combat pictorial center at Headquarters Marine Corps in...


    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Apr 9, 2020

    5 YEARS AGO • APRIL 16, 1970 SURVEY SAYS FACILITIES IN FALLS INADEQUATE Residents of Thompson Falls find more of their facilities and services are inadequate and the boat dock, streets and swimming pool are the objects of the most criticism according to the community survey recently completed by the Jaycees. The only facility the residents consider "very good" is the library. In the survey, residents were asked to check 40 different items according to whether they thought they were "Very g...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Apr 2, 2020

    7 YEARS AGO APRIL 5, 1950 PLANS BEING MADE TO PLANT TREES Mayor Donald Saint informed us this week that plans are being formulated for the planting of evergreen trees along main street. These trees would be planted approximately 15 feet back of the present row of cottonwood trees. He stated that this action would be taken to ensure the town of having trees along its main street. As to when the next road contract is let through here it would be necessary to tear the present trees out in order...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Mar 26, 2020

    7 YEARS AGO • MARCH 15, 1950 NEW PAPER AT HOT SPRINGS The Hot Springs Sentinel, a newspaper published at Hot Springs, Montana, made its debut last Wednesday, a copy of which was inserted in each post office box in Thompson Falls. Published by Kenneth F. Knight and Kenneth Knight, Jr., who came to Hot Springs from Tekoa, Washington. The first issue of the Sentinel was very interesting, giving the early day history and showing the growth of Hot Springs in the last few years. The ten-page paper was chuck-full of advertising, of a congratulatory n...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Mar 19, 2020

    3 YEARS AGO • NOVEMBER 21, 1918 LET’S COOPERATE Public and private gatherings of all kinds are prohibited until further notice and quarantine is established for all influenza cases in Thompson Falls by a set of regulations passed by the Local Board of Health Monday. Children under 18 years of age are to remain at home unless sent by their parents on an errand, persons with a cold or other suspicious symptoms must avoid public places, and in any place of business except restaurants not more than two customers will be allowed at any one tim...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Mar 12, 2020

    PRESTON'S LIVERY STABLE was located where St. William's Catholic Church is today. In addition to renting horses and horse drawn rigs, Preston delivered drinking water and ice for icebox refrigerators. He would harvest the ice from the river and store it in a building located by the railroad tracks packing the ice blocks in sawdust to keep them from melting. And now my readers know how Preston Avenue and Ferry Street got their names. 70 YEARS AGO • MARCH 22, 1950 A.C. PRESTON DIES IN SPOKANE, F...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Mar 5, 2020

    3 YEARS AGO • MARCH 8, 1990 STREET EXCAVATION TURNS UP UNEXPECTED TANK Riverside Constructions workers dug up more than old asphalt last week after they discovered two unexpected underground storage tanks near the corner of Main and Fulton. Moore Oil manager Ed Benton said they were called in to pump out the contents of one of the tanks. It was an approximately 500 gallon tank that had probably been in the ground for the last 30 or 40 years, Benton said. There once was a service station at t...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Feb 27, 2020

    7 YEARS AGO • MARCH 1, 1950 INSTALL2-WAY RADIOS Installation of 2-way radios in Art Wilkes’, Vern Dolson’s and H.R. Larsen’s cars, was recently completed. This improvement is proving to be a big time saver in the local law enforcement as now any of the officers can be contacted any time or place from the station here and given their instructions. Upon completion of a central station they will be tied up with other western Montana cities and towns which will aid greatly in the enforcement of law and order in this part of the state. H.R. La...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Feb 20, 2020

    2 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 21, 1910 HOLDUPS GET THIRTY DAYS IN JAIL Trout Creek Offenders Are Guests of the Sheriff in the County Bastille Walter Howard and Barney Brogan were brought here by Sheriff Massey Tuesday from Trout Creek to serve 30 days in the county jail. The men were sentenced by Justice O'Donnell and were charged with vagrancy, for want of witnesses to prosecute them on more serious offenses, of which there is little doubt in the minds of the officers as to their guilt. Monday night...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Feb 13, 2020

    5 YEARS AGO • FEBRUARY 1, 1970 FALLS, NOXON PHONE LISTINGS INCREASE The number of telephone listings for Thompson Falls and Noxon in the new 1970 directories have increased, but Plains has a few less than last year. The new directories show Thompson Falls with 724 listings this year, up 29 over last year’s 695. This represents an increase of 4.1 per cent. Noxon with 10 more phones than last year has a slightly bigger rate of increase, just over 5 per cent. The 1969 directory listed 191 entries for Noxon and this year the new directory con...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Feb 6, 2020

    7 YEARS AGO • FEBRUARY 1, 1950 FEEDING PROGRAM FOR BIG GAME IS NOW IN FULL SWING The feed committee of the local Rod & Gun Club and many others wish to give a vote of appreciation to those persons who are now doing such a fine job of feeding the deer and elk. Locally there are six different defined areas being fed regularly and they are: Prospect Creek, Wuerl-Thayer Road, Blue Slide to Copper Point including the Vermilion River, Thompson River and Cherry Creek. It’s a real treat to drive through these areas and see the game cleaning up eve...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Jan 30, 2020

    7 YEARS AGO • FEBRUARY 1, 1950 MERCURY HITS RECORD LOW OF -36 This month chalked up some new marks on the Forest Service weather records which go back to 1918. Those winters your grandfather likes to talk about may have been worse, we don’t know but this is a new generation and all reckoning starts from now. Our low Sunday night of -36 compares as follows: In December of 1918 a low of -32 was recorded. The next reading down in those regions was in the winter of 1936-37 when it dropped to a -30 in January. In precipitation a new record als...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Jan 23, 2020

    7 YEARS AGO • JANUARY 25, 1950 CONSTRUCTION ON $100,000 COUNTY HOSPITAL TO START IN THE SPRING Sanders County will be able to build a $100,000 hospital at Hot Springs this summer, Olin Ashcraft, chairman of the drive, reported. H.E. Kirkemo, Missoula architect, said plans for a fully-equipped 15-bed hospital will be drawn up and construction probably will get under way early this spring. The fund for the hospital has risen to more than $60,000. A recent drive netted $22,218.48 to be added to $38,000 obtained through sale of bonds five years a...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Jan 16, 2020

    ORIN P. & IVY AGNES (REEDER) KENDALL From Early Pioneers and Settlers of Thompson Falls – Ann Miller Research Orin P. Kendall was born April 30, 1904 in Williams, Iowa. In 1905 he and his family moved to Washington where they settled in the Heartline and Almira area. He attended the Cheney Normal School prior to moving to Montana. Late in August 1926 Orin arrived in Belknap, where he was to teach school. Having grown up in the open plains country of Washington, this was an entirely new world. In...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Jan 9, 2020

    7 YEARS AGO • JANUARY 18, 1950 SERVICES AT HOPE FOR PIONEER SHERIFF Graveside funeral services for Joseph L. Hartman, 85, Sanders County pioneer and sheriff for 10 years, who died here last Tuesday night were conducted at Hope, Idaho. Born February 11, 1864, at Akron, Ohio, he moved with his parents to Chanute, Kansas, and came to Belknap near here in 1886. He arrived when the thriving town of Belknap was part of Missoula County. He was a timberman in his youth, cutting ties when the Northern Pacific railway was built through here. He later h...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Dec 26, 2019

    5 YEARS AGO • DECEMBER 25, 1969 LAW OFFICERS BRIGHTEN CHRISTMAS FOR NEEDY A total of 57 individuals, firms and organizations contributed money, toys, food or other items to the Sanders County Sheriff’s Christmas project to make Christmas brighter for needy families and children, Sheriff Dick Cole reported Tuesday. Individuals contributing to the project included Mrs. Bud Iff, George Austin, Ron Calvert, Ted Mellinger, Dean Margelin, John G. Miller, Floyd Bastible, Duke Sallee, Evelyn Pardia, Lyle McGuigan, Mrs. Glenn H. Larson, C.E. Wha...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Dec 19, 2019

    4 YEARS AGO • DECEMBER 20, 1979 LEDGER LINES by K.A.E. Dear Santa: As you make your annual run Monday night here are some of the appropriate gifts we think you might leave for some Sanders County citizens and organizations: Rich DeWitt and his Blue Hawk wrestlers, another state class B crown. New water systems for the communities of Noxon and Thompson Falls. More office space for Bill Manley and his congenial staff and Thompson Falls’ No. 1 financial institution. A move soon for Sheriff Harvey Shultz and his staff into the long awaited new...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Dec 12, 2019

    4 YEARS AGO • DECEMBER 13, 1979 RELAXING IS FULL-TIME JOB FOR EX-TEACHER Lillian Beamish is the only woman mayor that Plains has ever had. Retired from school teaching in 1971, Lillian lives in Thompson Falls, where she moved in 1958. She says her two-year stint at mayor in the mid-50s was largely uneventful, except that she nearly got thrown in jail for trying to save some property. The Clark Fork River was attempting to consume a residential area directly opposite the fairgrounds. The fairgrounds side had already been rip rapped by the c...

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