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Articles from the August 23, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 40

  • Plains library celebrates 100 years

    Shana Neesvig|Aug 23, 2018

    Need a reason to have a celebration? Become a centenarian a you will have 100 reason to do just that. The Plains Library has reached that magical age and held quite an event for its many supporters and friends last Saturday. Library Director Carrie Terrell and her staff made quite an impression on those who came to rejoice the milestone. With balloons bobbing and streamers shimmering, it was hard to not be drawn in by all the glitz and glamour. "We wanted to share this with the community and to...

  • Rainfall helps area wildfire efforts

    Annie Wooden|Aug 23, 2018

    The small rainfall earlier this week from a summer storm help slow the progression of the area wildifre season. Officials in the Kootenai National Forest took precautionary steps and wrapped the Gem Peak Lookout and the popular warming hut below the lookout to protect the structures from any fire. The Rampike Fire is burning near Gem Peak in Idaho, and is estimated at 2,000 acres. Officials wrap the structures in foil to keep sparks and embers from getting in. In 2017, the same action saved the Cougar Peak lookout as the Deep Creek Fire burned...

  • Community Fountain

    Ed Moreth|Aug 23, 2018

    NOT JUST FOR THE BIRDS – A heard of young deer gather at a bird bath to get a cool drink on a hot day at a residence west of Plains....

  • Shakespeare comes to Plains, T. Creek

    Ed Moreth|Aug 23, 2018

    Reading Shakespeare in school might have been a chore, but the Plains Woman's Club brings it to town every year to entertain folks, just like they did last week when they sponsored Montana Shakespeare in the Parks at the Sanders County Fairgrounds. Nearly 180 people showed up to see the two-hour rendition of "Love's Labour's Lost" Thursday evening. It was free for the guests, but cost the Plains Woman's Club nearly $2,000, said club member Debbi Kirschbaum. "I thoroughly enjoyed it, but we do...

  • School days return

    Aug 23, 2018

    As the mornings get cooler and preparations continue for the Sanders County Fair, parents, kids and teachers are getting ready to head back to school. We’re excited for the return of the routine, but just not quite ready for summer to be over. For those heading into kindergarten, we know it’s a scary transition. But think of all the new friends you’ll make and oh, the places you’ll go, to quote Dr. Seuss. As those high school seniors walk the halls for their final year, don’t forget to stop and enjoy your last few months of “kid life.” Grow...

  • Coalition finds common ground

    Aug 23, 2018

    Dear Editor, Sanders and Lincoln counties have parallel paths to common goals in economic and community development. This includes strengthening small businesses, beautifying our communities, increasing environmental health and social welfare, and generally enhancing our quality of life. At the heart of these strategies is the significance of our public lands. Our counties’ separate governing bodies experience systemic challenges that mirror one another. The communities within Sanders and Lincoln County share the economic distress seen in w...

  • Vote no to protect mining heritage

    Aug 23, 2018

    Editor: I-186 will appear on the November ballot. If it passes, Montana DEQ will be required to deny a permit to any proposed hard rock mine, if the reclamation plan requires perpetual water treatment. The purpose of I-186 is misleading because: Under today’s standards, Montana’s mining industry already must comply with the State Water Quality Act, Federal Clean Water Act, and multiple other provisions to ensure that any water discharged from a mine is clean. The language for I-186 says “The terms ….within I-186 are not fully defined and would...

  • Montana Viewpoint

    Jim Elliott|Aug 23, 2018

    The word “socialism” is getting tossed around a lot these days without much thought for what it actually means. It seems to fall either into the category of very good things or the category of very bad things. On the left it seems to be seen as a panacea for curing all things bad in America, and on the right as something to fear and close to treasonous. The truth — as always — is elusive. Here’s a definition from an online dictionary: “…a political and economic theory of social organization...

  • Remember When

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Aug 23, 2018

    5 YEARS AGO • AUGUST 22, 1968 ANOTHER LAND MARK TORN DOWN AT HERON Another Heron landmark is gone with the razing of the former Dan DeLong building in town. Built in 1905 or 1906 by McGowan of Plains it housed a local paper “The Heron Examiner.” This was during the time a portion of Missoula County was being withdrawn to form Sanders County, and Thompson Falls and Plains were contenders for the county seat. When Thompson Falls was chosen the paper ceased to exist. McGowan started the Heron Examiner to extol his propaganda as to why Plain...

  • Question of the week?

    Jay Simons|Aug 23, 2018

    LISA STEWART, Plains – “Mrs. Revier, Plains High School. She was a wonderful teacher for my two boys. She took all the time necessary for them to learn what they needed.” MADDY KEEN, Thompson Falls – “Miss Gavlak. She’s very nice. She does fun games that we play outside.” DARREL TORGRIMSON, Thompson Falls – “I have a couple of them. I went to school in Noxon and I remember three in particular – Doel Negron, Cliff Trexler and coach Bob Baldwen. They were really good people.” LACEY GRUWELL, Thompson Falls – “Mrs. Toyias. She is always car...

  • Sheriff's Log

    Aug 23, 2018

    Ambulance: Noxon, 3; T. Falls, 10; Plains, 1; H. Springs, 1; Dixon QRU, 2. Sunday, August 12 Fish and Game officer requested. An officer stopped a vehicle where the occupants had possession of a racoon, H. Springs. Intoxicated people fighting, have a campfire burning in the back yard, one person arrested for disorderly conduct, H. Springs. Suspicious activity at rural residence, Plains. Suspicious activity near Post Office, T. Falls. Individual walking down the middle of Hwy. 200, flipping people off, T. Falls. Criminal trespass to private prop...

  • Suspended sentence for theft

    Aug 23, 2018

    In 20th District Judicial Court on Tuesday, Judge Deborah “Kim” Christopher” sentenced Lara Aldridge to a 3-year suspended sentence with the Department of Corrections on a felony theft charge. Aldridge was found guilty in June of writing more than 15 unauthorized checks from the Hot Springs Rural Fire Department, for who she worked as a bookkeeper from 2014 to 2017. Judge Christopher ordered Aldridge to pay $38,666.27 in restitution to the Hot Springs Rural Fire Department, as well as the $1,900 cost of the forensic evaluation. “I was wrong a...

  • Justice Court

    Aug 23, 2018

    MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks Andrew Klaus, 36, Insufficient personal flotation devices, $85. Montana Highway Patrol Jennifer Jones, 38, speeding in a restricted zone, $65. Cole Hansen, 20, day speeding, $120. Adam Lyko, 43, night speeding, $120. Joel Boucher, 35, night speeding, $70. Leroy Eash, 33, night speeding, $70. Ryan Enscoe, 44, seatbelt violation, $20. Ryan Enscoe, 44, night speeding, $70. Armando Mata, 39, night speeding, $70. Angela Simcoe, 41, speeding in a restricted zone, $65. Craig Ballhagen, 56, speeding in a restricted zone, $85....

  • TF chamber hosts new school staff

    Annie Wooden|Aug 23, 2018

    The Thompson Falls Chamber welcomed Superintendent Bill Cain and the new Thompson Falls School staff to the August luncheon last week at Big Eddy's. Cain said he is excited for the school year to start, and that he is proud and honored to be in Thompson Falls. "We promise that not only will your child be safe, but they will leave Thompson Falls Schools and be ready for the world and to take on what's next," Cain told the chamber crowd. New staff this year include Andina Markuson in first grade...

  • Local challenge promises adventure

    Ed Moreth|Aug 23, 2018

    People have less than a month now to ready themselves for a challenge – the 3rd Annual Clark Fork Adventure Challenge, a triathlon sponsored by the Clark Fork Valley Hospital Foundation. The competition is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 16, at 9 a.m. at the Sanders County Fairgrounds pavilion. Registration will begin at 7 a.m. The race starts and finishes at the fairgrounds. The foundation will be hosting two races this year, said Barry Fowler, the foundation’s executive director. The traditional triathlon will include an eight-mile run, fol...

  • County unveils new notification system

    Aug 23, 2018

    Sanders County has a new way of notifying the public in emergency situations. The Sanders County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO), in conjunction with the Office of Emergency Management and Rural Addressing, has selected Hyper-Reach for the new Mass Emergency Notification System. Hyper-Reach is a telephone-based mass notification system used by thousands of public safety agencies across the country to warn citizens about local emergencies, hazards and other threats. Sanders County announces that they have selected Hyper-Reach to help bring this same l...

  • Arts Council to preview season

    Aug 23, 2018

    Sanders County Arts Council (SCAC) announces the kickoff events for the 2018-2019 Performing Arts Season. The First Thread events of the Tapestry season will be Friday, Aug. 24 at Big Eddy’s in Thompson Falls and Saturday, Aug. 25, at Dog Hill Bistro in Plains. Both events start at 5:30 p.m. Admission is free, and live music will be provided by Dave and Deb Oliver at the Plains event and Fire Creek Band in Thompson Falls. SCAC will share snippets of each of the season’s six events. Season tickets will be available for $75 for the six eve...

  • Historic Paradise Center opens to visitors

    Justin Harris|Aug 23, 2018

    Happenings at the old Paradise Elementary School building have kept it as busy as it once was before the school closed for education and reopened for visitors and events. Now known as the Paradise Center, the Paradise Elementary School Preservation Committee has been hard at work to make improvements to the property while hosting musicians, art galleries, meetings and instructional workshops. The ball is really rolling, and the committee has announced that the establishment will be open regularly as a visitor center and a side-stop for those...

  • Reserve deputies sworn in

    Justin Harris|Aug 23, 2018

    A swearing in of new reserve deputies brought the pool of available reserves to a total of five. Bryon Ekberg and Josh Ward were sworn in with the Sanders County Sheriff's Office, Monday afternoon, to assist the Sheriff and full-time deputies in their law enforcement endeavors. With the height of fire season and the county fair right around the corner, the help is coming right on time. The new reserves successfully completed an 88-hour classroom course under the direction of Deputy Tim Kelly, as...

  • Park progression

    Annie Wooden|Aug 23, 2018

    NEXT STEPS - Garrett Strine and Bob Rice of NorthWestern Energy install benches at the Veteran's Memorial at Ainsworth Park. Linda Rocheleau reported that people who want to honor veterans can still purchase bricks for the project. For more information, contact Rocheleau at 827-4002....

  • Host families sought for exchange program

    Justin Harris|Aug 23, 2018

    In Sanders County schools, the foreign exchange program has been a long tradition that has resulted in lifelong friendships with an “out-of-towner,” and unique memories and experiences for the students visiting. Nancy Winebrenner of Hot Springs has been working with International Cultural Exchange Services (ICES) for years, assisting visiting students in finding temporary local homes, giving them a school-year-long glimpse into American life and Montana culture. This year, Winebrenner is down to crunch time trying to find willing families to ta...

  • Huckleberry Festival committee put on a great event

    Aug 23, 2018

    Editor, I would like to commend Debb McNary, and all the people of Trout Creek, for the 2018 Huckleberry Festival, as I feel from all I saw and heard from all whom attended, nothing but praise for the extremely clean grounds and operation from beginning to end was a very welcome and enjoyed by all attending – many comments were heard from guests about the great family atmosphere presented. Many praises for the extremely clean grounds as a whole, no clutter, beer cans, cigarette smoke or such present. I noticed the largest crowd ever of e...

  • Community benefits from success of local businesses

    Aug 23, 2018

    Several friends and I enjoyed a lovely and very fun evening at Big Eddy’s Saturday night, visiting and enjoying the band, Nobody Famous. During the evening, the owner of Big Eddy’s was subjected to threatening and ugly phone calls over music that ended at 10 p.m. We all benefit when local businesses are successful and appealing, particularly on Main Street. I look forward to many fun evenings at Big Eddy’s and I sincerely hope the people harassing their owner and staff refrain from being so self-centered and juvenile. Ruth Cheney, Thomp...

  • Town should be grateful

    Aug 23, 2018

    Editor, As a patron of Big Eddy’s, I think what happened Saturday night was unjust and simply not true. The owners Katrina and Mark are valued residents of Thompson Falls. They not only have built and improved the town greatly but created jobs and a destination for tourists, who might not have stopped at all, if not for the very inviting Big Eddy’s! The town should be grateful to these two young folks. Live music, outdoor events, the community having the chance not only to enjoy the last days of summer but to mingle and get to know their nei...

  • Thank you, firefighters

    Aug 23, 2018

    Saturday the 11th of August early in the evening, my wife and I saw smoke rising just to the west and behind our house. I dialed 911 reported a fire and location. Just a few seconds later a neighbor called saying they could see smoke. I rushed out the door and two neighbors were coming in my driveway. I went out located the flames and started back to the house, fire fighters , fire trucks were already coming across my field. Within just a few minutes, not over 15, they were on the fire. Three helicopters were there shortly after the ground...

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