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Articles from the October 4, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 42


    Oct 4, 2018

    As rain sprinkled down, fifth graders from Sanders County schools attended the annual Water Festival at Thompson Falls State Park on Tuesday. Students gained knowledge of aquatics during the outdoor learning experience. Students visited various stations showing the importance of washing watercraft and why check stations are mandatory stopping points, soil structure and its role in water behavior, how dam turbines effect fish populations, how stream flows and locations should be considered...

  • $35 mil awarded in church lawsuit

    Annie Wooden|Oct 4, 2018

    Late last Wednesday, the civil trial against the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization came to a close with $35 million being awarded to a woman who was sexually abused by a member of the church as a child. “This is a case about protecting children,” attorney Neil Smith said in his closing argument on Sept. 31. “Their childhood was destroyed by a known child molester and by a church that let them down and violated the law.” The jury awarded Alexis Nunez $4 million in compensatory damages and $31 million in punitive damages, finding that Watchtowe...

  • Law enforcement honored for service

    Justin Harris|Oct 4, 2018

    It isn't often that city, county and state law enforcement are all called to one location - and when they are it usually isn't a good thing. A meeting Thursday was the exception, as the Sanders County DUI Task Force held their first annual luncheon to acknowledge the hard work of those local agencies. Officers from Montana Highway Patrol, Thompson Falls and Hot Springs police departments and the Sanders County Sheriff's Office were invited to the Plains Senior Center where DUI Task Force...

  • Our Viewpoint

    Oct 4, 2018

    The general election is just about a month away. We’re thankful for absentee ballots that allow us to research issues and candidates at home before we mark our choices. However, we still find ourselves scrambling to learn about candidates to make a decision. Friday and Saturday, The Ledger is sponsoring candidate forums. Candidates for local races including sheriff/coroner, state representative, county commissioner, justice of the peace, district court judge, county attorney and county treasurer/clerk and recorder/superintendent of schools w...

  • Montana Viewpoint

    Jim Elliott|Oct 4, 2018

    One of my favorite expressions is “often wrong, never in doubt.” I like to think it doesn’t apply to me—at least the “often” part—but I do come under the category of being overly certain in my opinions or in an event I swear happened. For instance, in the latter category would be my memory of where I left a tool. I will be looking for—say a left-handed monkey wrench—and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was last seen exactly where it now isn’t. Often that experience has to do with the...

  • If you don't vote, don't complain

    Oct 4, 2018

    Editor, Less than 100 years ago, you could not vote unless you were male and owned property. Today anyone 18 and over can vote, if they are registered. Those who moved here recently and those who did not vote in the last Presidential election are not registered voters. Check the county courthouse to make sure. Registration closes on Tuesday, October 9, 2018. Please remember to vote on November 6. If you don’t vote, you can’t complain afterwards. Hal Vosen Heron...

  • A Democracy or a Republic?

    Oct 4, 2018

    To the Editor: In the May 2018 Rural Montana magazine (p. 12), Senator Jon Tester begins his response to a posed question with this statement: “Attacks on our democracy can come in many different forms.” I would like to point out to Senator Tester that we are a republic and not a democracy. To say we are a democracy is an attack against our U.S. Constitution and the republic it stands for. The word democracy does not appear in the U.S. Constitution, but reference is made to the word republic in Article 4 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution whe...

  • Christine Blasey Ford is a hero

    Oct 4, 2018

    This letter is in reply to Blaine Blackstone’s disgraceful article about Christine Blasey Ford. He questions her decision to come forward with her story at this time. Gee, let me guess … She doesn’t want a sexual predator to become a member of the Supreme Court! And as Ms. Ford expected; she and her family have received death threats and other harassment. You continued in your letter to attack Ford, doubting she would testify and if she did her testimony would be discredited. What do you have to say now that she has testified and many people an...

  • Remember When?

    Sherry Hagerman-Benton|Oct 4, 2018

    4 YEARS AGO • OCTOBER 5, 1978 CABLE TV SYSTEM HAS LITTLE SUPPORT Members of the City Council displayed little enthusiasm Monday night to involve the town in a TV cable system which would require a monthly payment of approximately $7.50 from each subscriber. Mrs. Ermel Hanson asked the council to take some action to make more parking spaces available on Main St. She explained that some women provide transportation for elderly citizens so that the latter can shop and accomplish other business errands. Many of the senior citizens can not walk l...

  • Question of the Week

    Jay Simons|Oct 4, 2018

    DOMINIC ELLISON, Thompson Falls – “About once a week. We have five dogs, long hair and short hair, old dogs and puppies, so we have to clean often.” DON NORD, Kalispell – “I’m just visiting this week. I am a helicopter pilot. When I first flew over this country, I was so impressed with its beauty that I had to come back. When I’m home, I clean my whole house twice a month.” JENNIFER KEITH, Thompson Falls – “Every day. I do a quick clean, a deep clean and whenever it needs it.” MONIECK BEASLEY, Thompson Falls – “Pretty much every day. I have to...

  • Sheriff's Log

    Oct 4, 2018

    Ambulances: Noxon, 4; T. Falls, 6; Plains, 4; H. Springs, 5; Dixon QRU, 1. Sunday, September 23 Welfare check requested, T. Falls. Vehicle vs. deer, Blanchard Corner. Vehicle vs. deer, Camp Bighorn, Hwy. 135. Welfare check requested, T. Falls. Disabled semi, Hwy. 200, east of Plains. Grass fire started by power lines, H. Springs. Cow on Hwy. 200, T. Creek. Criminal mischief, hole shot through vehicle window, H. Springs. Monday, September 24 Deceased deer across from County Courthouse, T. Falls. Trespassing, theft of gas from rural T. Falls resi...

  • Falls man sentenced on DUI, drug charges

    Annie Wooden|Oct 4, 2018

    On Tuesday, Judge Deborah “Kim” Christopher sentenced Jeffrey Hernandez to a two-year deferred sentence with the Department of Correction on the charge of misdemeanor DUI, first offense. Hernandez was also sentenced to 10 days in the Sanders County Jail for criminal possession of dangerous drugs (methamphetamine). Hernandez was arrested Jan. 4, 2018, after his pickup struck a state snow plow at Blue Slide Road and Birdland Bay Road near Thompson Falls. A Kalispell man made his initial appearance in 20th District Judicial Court on Tuesday, ple...

  • Justice Court

    Oct 4, 2018

    Montana Highway Patrol Nelson Russell, 46, speeding in a restricted zone, $65. Larry Johnson, 63, careless driving, $35; criminal possession of drug paraphernalia, $185; criminal possession of dangerous drugs, marijuana (60 grams or less), 1st offense, $175. Guillermo Alvarez Colorado, 27, speeding in restricted zone, $85. Kevin Yoder, 21, speeding in restricted zone, $105. Jay Lewis, 56, seatbelt violation, $20. Caralinda Roullier, 65, seatbelt violation, $20. Rhienna Davis, 34, seatbelt violation, $20. Jeremy Cheroske, 20, seatbelt...

  • Theft charges filed against PTO member

    Annie Wooden|Oct 4, 2018

    A member of the Hot Springs Elementary Parent Teacher Organization has been charged with felony theft following an investigation into alleged unauthorized transactions from the organizations’s bank account. Court documents filed this week allege that Ayla Blasius made 58 unauthorized charges totalling more than $4,600 between October 2017 and August 2018. The maximum penalty for theft, a common scheme felony, is up to a $1,500 fine and up to three years in prison. The charges were filed afer a former PTO board member reviewed the bank s...

  • Thompson Falls seniors prep for life

    Shana Neesvig|Oct 4, 2018

    It is that time of year again when Thompson Falls counselor Jodi Morgan is hard at work prepping seniors for their awaiting journey. From September 26 through October 22, students will be getting their plans in order. "We try to give them all the tools we can to get them to college," Morgan stated, adding that all colleges have resources available to assist students once they attend at that level. The main goal for her is to plant the seed of furthering education beyond high school and watch it...

  • Schools replacing aging fire alarms

    Annie Wooden|Oct 4, 2018

    Safety is a priority at Thompson Falls Schools, Superintendent Bill Cain reported at the board meeting Monday evening. With that, the administration is looking at the buildings. “There are some things that are outdated,” Cain said, including the fire alarm systems at both the high school and K-8 campuses. The phone system at the school also serves as a paging system in an emergency, Cain said, noting that sometimes that paging may not be loud enough to be heard over alarms at the campuses. The school is in the process of installing new fire ala...

  • Let's pool our retirement benefits

    Oct 4, 2018

    I, along with my wife, have been paying into a retirement fund the government calls Social Security, when they’re not calling it their personal piggy bank, for almost 100 years. According to Greg Gianforte’s own pronouncements covered by all the newspapers, he doesn’t think we should retire. He even went as far as to say Noah at age 600 wasn’t collecting any benefits. Well I realize the government has to have a way to pay for those tax cuts that netted Buffett $29 billion, he said he neither wanted or needed; so I think we should all pool ou...

  • Phyllis June Bernhardt-Hilts

    Oct 4, 2018

    Phyllis June Bernhardt-Hilts passed away at Providence Hospital, in Everett, Washington, on September 9, 2018 at the age of 102 years old. Phyllis was born in Warner, Alberta on June 30, 1916 to Effie and Charlie Sheets of Audubon, Iowa. Phyllis was raised in Great Falls, Montana, where she was a graduate of Great Falls High School. Phyllis Hagen excelled as a senior leader in the Girl Scouts of America and the Rainbow order. Phyllis enjoyed spending many hours working for her step father, Carl...

  • Columnist is sending the wrong message

    Oct 4, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am extremely disheartened by the content of Mr. Blackstone’s “Street Smart” opinion article from the September 27 issue. It appears that his focus on the “circus” of confirming Brett Kavanaugh deters from the true issue of consideration of his character and integrity. If the author was disturbed by the allegations at all then I imagine he would expect a course of action taken to ensure that the open seat in the Supreme Court remain honorable. And to speak to Mr. Blackstone’s questioning of why it took 36 years for Ms. Ford to tel...

  • Flu cases identified in 4 counties

    Oct 4, 2018

    The Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) and local public health officials are encouraging all Montanans six months of age and older to take action and get vaccinated now against influenza (flu) in order to decrease their risk of becoming ill. In Montana, the flu season usually peaks in February and lasts through May; however, influenza outbreaks can be unpredictable. It is best to get vaccinated before the influenza virus starts circulating in your community. Officials say the vaccine is now readily available and being vaccin...

  • FWP announces ice fishing contests

    Oct 4, 2018

    Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks has approved the ice fishing contests for the 2018-19 season. Participants must comply with state fishing regulations, including daily and possession limits. Applications for fishing contests may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied by the FWP Fisheries Division in Helena. Conditions placed on contests may help to minimize fish mortality, regulate harvest, reduce user conflicts and/or require additional access-site maintenance when needed. Information on the approved fishing contests can be found on...

  • Benson leads Fall Mack Days competition

    Oct 4, 2018

    Windblown lake trout anglers just completed the second weekend of 2018 Fall Mack Days on Flathead Lake. The eight week-long event continues until November 11 with anglers fishing Tuesday-Fridays. The wind began early Friday and the lake trout fish total came in at 316. There were 101 lake trout entries turned in on Saturday. Sunday morning was no different with continued blustery and gusty winds. The afternoon calmed down and relieved anglers were able to get to their fishing areas. There was a total of 333 lake trout entries. Second weekend...

  • Minimum wage to increase Jan. 1

    Oct 4, 2018

    Governor Steve Bullock today announced Montanans earning minimum wage will see the rate increase to $8.50 per hour beginning January 1, 2019. “Every Montanan who works hard should have the opportunity to get ahead. We’re among a handful of states where each year minimum wage workers take home a little extra in their paychecks, but there’s more to be done,” said Governor Bullock. “We must continue to help working families succeed by bringing in better jobs, helping businesses expand and investing in areas like apprenticeships and education...


    Oct 4, 2018

    Noxon, Plains and Thompson Falls high schools celebrated homecoming last week. Events included the traditional crowning of royalty. Kristina Brown and Edison VanVleet were named king and queen in Noxon, Haley Josephson and Fernando Martin earned the honors in Plains and Nick Viera and Trinity Godfrey were crowned in Thompson Falls. Hot Springs High School homecoming activities are happening this week....

  • Misty Fall

    Oct 4, 2018

    RAIN SHOWERS covered the Clark Fork Valley this week as yellows and reds of fall foliage spread through the landscape. Temperatures are expected to drop into the 50s for the weekend....

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