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Keeping students on task is especially challenging at the end of a school year with only a couple of weeks remaining, said Plains High School art teacher Kristen Cole, but she said that her guest artist was able to really get them motivated for their final project of the year. Tom Collins judges people while wearing a black robe and pounding his courtroom gavel three days a week in Plains, Thompson Falls and Hot Springs, but for the last the last two weeks, he's been judging the artistic skills...
During peak season, a honey bee colony can contain up to 80,000 individual bees. When first installing a nucleus colony, you will only see roughly 15,000 individual bees. Male drones usually comprise around 15% of each colony. While female worker bees make up the majority of the residence in a colony, one edict of all colonies stands true; there is one queen and one queen only. learning the signs of whether you have an unmated queen, a newly mated queen or a fully mated queen that is laying are all parts of the learning curve in beekeeping....
Finding out that honey is basically "bee vomit" didn't deter John McNamara from eating honey and getting stung and bit by bees didn't stop him from wanting to raise bees. The 9-year-old McNamara's dream came true when he got 10,000 honey bees to start his own two hives in early May. After letting the bees acclimate in their new home, John and his parents, Carissa McNamara and Bruce Beckstead, checked on the critters last weekend to see how they were doing. "They looked real good," said John,...
Family and friends packed the school gym Sunday to celebrate Noxon's graduating class of 2022. Sixteen seniors donned their red and white robes as they took their seats before the crowd. Superintendent Dave Whitesell kicked off the ceremony and offered a few words of wisdom to the graduating class. Whitesell told the students life is full of boxes to be checked off and graduating high school is only one small box. "Good luck class of 2022," he said. "We will be watching you with a keen eye as...
Racing cars on school grounds is generally frowned upon, but it was actually encouraged by the shop teacher at Plains School last week. Nine students were involved in the race, which had been condoned by the school administration. Shop teacher Kyle Mitchell wasn't sure how fast the cars were traveling, but he guessed most of them were going about 40 mph by the time they hit the finish line. The five boys and four girls raced several times and when it was over, the champion was Tony Schaff in...
6 YEARS AGO • MAY 17, 1917 RIVER GOES UP, THEN DOWN Stream Swells to Flow of 107,000 Second Feet The Clarks Fork River dropped in flow appreciably last night and officials at the plant look for a steady fall for several days. According to the report of the patrolman on the summit between here and Wallace, five inches of fresh snow fell on the summit Tuesday. The high water has probably not reached here yet. Forest reports show that there remains within the Missoula, Flathead and Bitter Root National Forest boundaries from two to five times a...
APRIL BATEMAN - “I think they are wonderful, they are overworked and underpaid. We owe everything to them!” JAMIE McKENZIE, Trout Creek - “Thank you for your service!” RON FISHER, Thompson Falls - “Thank you to all of those guys and gals because there are lots of women involved too, that kept us able to keep some of them alive so that they could do their work that they had to do. A lot of them gave everything they had and they died.” JERRY WEILAND, Trout Creek - “I would like to thank them for their service. I wish that they weren't so underapp...
Members of VFW Post 3596 placed 468 flags at the Plains Cemetery last week ahead of Memorial Day. Above, club manager Gary Jenson and commander Ron Kilbury place the last flag at the cemetery. The group of 23 volunteers and VFW members spent about an hour placing the flags. Quartermaster Heather Allen also said she spent countless hours with a few helpers beforehand walking the cemetery to make their lists accurate. The group created a map for each section to make it easier for everyone to...
Kaniksu Land Trust (KLT) and Sanders County Community Development (SCCD) continue to coordinate as the two organizations implement activities that drive economic development through outdoor recreation. Earlier this year KLT and SCCD worked to create an online map highlighting recreation opportunities in Sanders County. In 2020, KLT participated in a countywide process called Recreation Economy for Rural Communities (RERC). From this process, several goals and actions were identified for KLT’s Recreation and Outreach Coordinator Kayla Mosher t...
Proud parents Hope Slater and Owen Fisher of Kalispell welcomed the birth of their first child, son Walker Lee Fisher, on Friday, May 6, 2022, at 3:37 p.m. He weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and measured 20 inches long. Grandparents are Jason and Krystin Slater and Kenny and Candy Fisher. Welcome, Walker!...
Playing a poker card game with ping pong balls might be a little unique, but the Wild Horse Plains Back Country Horsemen found out it's a good way to raise money. Ninety-one riders gathered at the historic Jones Ranch on Little Thompson River Road about 10 miles northwest of Plains on Saturday to participate in its annual poker ride. The day-long event ended with the club's president, Kelsie Blevins, as the big winner with an ace high flush to nab the top prize, a coveted custom made breast...
Members of the Thompson Falls American Legion as well as members of the Plains VFW came together for a flag raising ceremony last Tuesday at the Wild Rose Rebekah Cemetery in Thompson Falls. "A flag raising ceremony takes place when an American flag becomes unserviceable," said Ken Mathieson, Commander of American Legion Post 52. An American flag raising ceremony consists of a 10 step process that is very carefully executed, in this case the process is executed by local veterans. Two of these...
There has not been a kids fishing day in Noxon for over two years due to the pandemic, but the popular event was back last weekend as families drove down to Triangle Pond for a morning of fun Parents and children had big smiles on their faces as they piled out of their vehicles, which was a pleasant surprise considering that the weather looked like it might intimidate people into staying home for the day. But that was not the case for many Montanans big and small. Volunteers cooked burgers and...
It's time for one Plains High School science teacher to hang up his Bunsen burner, calorimeters and beakers in search of new horizons. Carl Benson will have the normal list of chores to do at home. He would like to lend a hand at his parent's ranch in Drummond, and explore new places in Montana with his wife, Denise. He might be leaving the science class, but you can't take the science out of him. There's one thing he's wanted to do for a long time and that's to visit firsthand one of the...
Noxon students were out in the community last Wednesday helping with various projects. They raked and cleaned up yards, dug drainage ditches, stacked firewood and piled slash for residents in Noxon, Heron and Trout Creek. Students also picked up trash along Highway 200. After a morning of projects, the students competed in class competitions in the afternoon....
6 YEARS AGO • MAY 17, 1917 RIVER BOOMS; FLOOD DANGER If Hot Weather Continues River May Exceed Record of 1894 WASHOUT ON COUGAR GULCH Road on North Side of River Cut by Big Ditches Creeks Threaten Bridges The chief concern of many dwellers throughout the main valley of Sanders County just now is not what the outcome of America’s entrance into the great war will be, but what the Clarks Fork River is going to do. The river has been steadily rising during the past week and is still on the rapid upward trend. From a normal flow of 10,000 fee...
BRANDY BRUMFEILD, Thompson Falls - “Everything.” STEVE BUCK, Thompson Falls - “Watermelon and mixed fruit salad.” BETH CATER, Thompson Falls - “Smoked brisket.” LAURIE BRASS, Trout Creek - “Potato salad.” JEANETTE ROGERS, Trout Creek - “BBQ pork ribs.” RAY BUCHANAN, Thompson Falls - “Fried chicken....
Last week, conservation districts in Sanders County teamed up to host a series of free seed handout events as part of their Pollinator Initiative to help support pollinator habitats in the area. Eastern Sanders County Conservation District (ESCCD) and Green Mountain Conservation District (GMCD) traveled around the county to hand out free seed mix that consists of native plant species and wild flowers such as yellow prairie cone-flower, western yarrow, wild bergamot and black-eyed Susan. The...
As part of ongoing conservation efforts, Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group (LCFWG) and a handful of volunteers spent their Arbor Day planting western white pines in the floodplain near the confluence of the East Fork River and the mainstem of Bull River. The goal for the 11 volunteers that day was to get 100 blister rust resistant white pines planted. "This project is near and dear to me as it's been a huge undertaking of the LCFWG and my career to support and maintain planting along the...
Michael and Susannah Zentz of Thompson Falls are excited to announce the birth of their son, Beren Joseph Zentz, born May 10, 2022. Beren was born at 9:52 a.m., measuring 21 inches long and weighing 9 pounds, 4 ounces. Beren joins brother Locke and sister Cosette. “For this child I prayed and the Lord has granted the desires of my heart.” – 1 Samuel 1:27. The family would like to thank their midwife Julia Weaver (website: for a wonderful birth experience....
More than 600 people gathered at the Sanders County Fairgrounds Saturday to take a look at thousands of items that were part of an estate and collectibles auction put on by Kevin Hill Auction Service. Of those, 389 people from throughout Montana, Idaho and Washington registered for the bidding, which went from 10 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. in and around the fair's Agriculture Building. The items ranged from small nuts and bolts to a 1987 Ford Colyer Oil Company truck that went for $2,500. The auction...
A group of Plains residents took part in the Montana State Wood Carvers Show earlier this month and came home with numerous awards for their work. "I'm so bloody proud of them. They did a great job," said Tom Collins, who heads the Plains Wood Carving Club and was the main coordinator for the annual show in Missoula for the sixth consecutive year. "I was surprised. It was the first time around for me and I didn't know what to expect," said Sean Ryan, who fetched a Best of Division and a Best of...
Attendance from the community was low but excitement from the student artists was high. "I anticipated we'd have a lower attendance due to COVID and that people wouldn't want to be coming into the school and we're just getting back into this," said Kristen Cole, the Plains High School teacher who coordinated the Plains High School Art Exhibition 2022 last Monday evening. An estimated 50 people attended the two-hour reception for the show of art students' work in the school's new auditorium,...
Class of 2022...
A lone bison wanders along Mission Creek at the Bison Range. Read more about what is new at the National Bison Range on Page 9....