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With a nation in turmoil and crisis, people are beginning to stand up across the country. Even in Sanders County, people are exercising their first amendment rights with rallies and protests. In Thompson Falls last Saturday, people from many different sides of the social and political spectrum gathered so that their voices could be heard. For Americans, protesting is a right given purely by existence. The right of the people to speak out against oppression and violence is one of the things that makes this country so great and perhaps why it...
Several people have asked me my thoughts about the death of George Floyd from a law enforcement perspective. I thought about that and realized that, because of my experience, I initially looked at that video much differently than most people. I hope I can explain this effectively. I want to make something abundantly clear before I explain my thoughts. I believe that what happened to George Floyd was a tragic, criminal act. None of the thoughts I’m about to share are intended to minimize what hap...
While was a participant in the peaceful gathering on Main Street Sunday afternoon, I don't condone the private posting on Instagram that followed. It does not reflect or adhere to the guidelines set by the organizer. Respectfully, Katherine Maudrone, Thompson Falls...
COVID-19 couldn’t happen here, to anyone we know; but then it does. As some of you may be aware, I have been moonlighting from my Ledger job as a sports writer and serving as a Public Information Officer for the Sanders County commissioners’ office since the pandemic first started back in mid-March. As such, I have been intimately familiar with the local COVID-19 story from the very start, and have watched as the national infection numbers soared, first in far-away places like New York and fairly nearby locales like Seattle. Then it started spr...
We are at a good place in history, and we are at that good place because we are facing adversity together. It is sad to think that many had to die to spur us to action, but good times don’t seem to move us forward as a people, bad times do. Getting through the pandemic of COVID-19 requires working together as a people, so people are wearing face masks, not to protect themselves, but to protect others. Recognizing the injustices done to others, exemplified by the deaths of George Floyd and m...
Dear owner and writers of The Sanders County Ledger, Congratulations! In the newspaper printed May 21, 2020, I was impressed by the story and photos done by Shana Neesvig titled "Freedom Journey." Yes, I did read all the way through the story. I thought to myself, how unusual it is for a small-town newspaper to take the time and labor and effort to write and publish such a detailed and interesting story. You clearly stand out. You demonstrate how good a small-town newspaper can be with its printed stories. Also, I did take time and look...
Dear Editor, I was so proud to read of the Plains teens who peacefully protested last Monday and those who gathered and raced in the rain on Saturday against racism. They are courageous to be so visible and are to be commended for their patriotism. It gives me hope for our future and makes me proud of our community. Thank you, Lynne Kersten, Thompson Falls...
We find ourselves in a situation where there are no right words to say. There is so much unrest right now in the world. Peaceful protests have been marred by rioting and looting. We are still in the midst of a pandemic with COVID-19. In our rural area, it's easy to not turn on the television or read social media posts that are full of misinformation. But sheltering ourselves from issues that affect all Americans is not the answer. Neither is violence. Throughout U.S. cities, there have been amazing examples of Americans coming together, no...
Jim Elliott always writes an opinion piece that leaves me thinking and wanting to reply. His latest of May 28 was one of his best. Thank you Jim for pointing out how divisive politics can become. Rusti Leivestad, Thompson Falls...
I recently started running again and it’s hard to describe how good that has made me feel, physically and mentally. I guess I should back up a step and explain that calling what I do “running” is being especially generous with the word. My wife and I laughingly call what I do a “wog.” Something between a walk and a jog. It’s hideous, but I’m moving forward so I’ll take it. My journey with exercise has been long and mostly ugly! Growing up, I was the chubby kid. I was always picked last for...
It's confession time. I grew up in Sanders County, moved away for a few years and then have been back about 12 years. In all that time, I never once had visited Graves Creek Falls outside of Thompson Falls. I was embarrassed to admit it. So, like many other people this Memorial Day weekend, we went for a drive in the mountains. We decided to see what the Montana Department of Transportation had done with Blue Slide Road, driving from Trout Creek to Thompson Falls. Even though Montana is still in Phase One of re-opening, there was a lot of...
Do you remember that day — March 30, 1981 — when President Ronald Reagan was shot? Do you remember that when he was wheeled into surgery he looked up at the doctors and said, “Please tell me you’re Republicans.” And that the lead surgeon, a Democrat, said to him, “Today, Mr. President, we are all Republicans.” Later, during his early recovery Nancy Reagan allowed only two politicians in to see him, Howard Baker, the Republican Senate Minority Leader and Tip O’Neill, the Democratic Spea...
To graduating seniors, life does not get much better than the moment the classwork stops. Most people will say that it is the moment they walk across the stage; however, in reality it’s when a senior realizes that for the first time in 12 years, they do not have to turn in any more homework. From this point on, that step is optional. Down the line college assignments, work projects and even helping their own children with their schoolwork is the next time any graduating senior will have any “homework” to think about, and all of these momen...
The past two weeks have been pretty crazy in Washington, D.C.! Previously classified documents were declassified and released. Other documents that were never meant to see the light of day were discovered. Collectively, these documents have revealed a pattern of conduct, by a certain group in Washington, D.C., that should disturb all Americans… regardless of political affiliation. It’s impossible to discuss all of this in the space allowed so I’m going to summarize the best I can while issui...
After reading the Priscilla Peak articles in today’s Ledger by John Hamilton it is obvious that the decision to move the lookout to Driveway Peak has been cast in stone. I wonder how many government hours/dollars have been spent just to formulate the plan. I have enclosed my comment letter to the Project Leader “While I agree that the Priscilla Peak Lookout is quite unique and definitely deserves to be preserved, I feel quite sure that if the lookout was put back in the rental program today it would be quite popular. Although the lookout was se...
“They say the first 50 years of marriage are always the hardest.” That's what someone told my parents, Gene and Barb, last weekend. They will celebrate their 50th anniversary this Saturday, May 16. Celebrations, including what they will do to celebrate their golden anniversary, look a bit different these days. This Saturday was going to be branding day at the Wooden ranch, actually “Brandiversary” day. We had planned to have a big gathering and celebrate after the work was done with the cows. Our celebration will be on a much smaller scale,...
President Trump doesn’t like the Post Office. It isn’t because he doesn’t like standing in line to buy a stamp, in fact I doubt if he has ever had to stand in line, let alone ever had to buy a stamp. No, he doesn’t like the Post Office because they do business with Amazon. A lot of business. He doesn’t like Amazon because it is owned by Jeff Bezos. He doesn’t like Jeff Bezos because Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post. He doesn’t like the Washington Post because they say nasty things about...
I’d like to address the nearly six-minute diatribe by a board member at the April 30 meeting. It was inappropriate. This time is set aside for public comment. Trustee Stough was speaking as a trustee because he referenced “we the board” over a dozen times. He should’ve never been acknowledged by Board Chair Pafford to give his rant. However, history has shown that this chair disregards rules when its favorable to him. It really became inappropriate (and should’ve been shut down by the chair) when the trustee called out a teacher by name. The...
We’ve never been in a situation like this. We’ve never had so many meetings over videoconference. Most of us had never heard of Zoom before COVID-19 forced us to stay home and learn to adapt to doing more things from home. It’s amazing the things that can get accomplished, but that personal connection is definitely missing. The lack of emotion (even with those annoying emojis) and the lack of connection with texting and social media used to drive us crazy. Now, it’s the fact that our ability to look people in the eyes when we make decisions or...
Dear Editor, "Attention Sanders County Republicans." Thus is headlined an ad published in the Ledger recently from a “concerned Montana citizen” from Winifred, Montana. I’m not sure why Sanders voters need to be instructed by someone from Winifred, but in politics, I guess stranger things have happened. The ad attacks Republican Legislator Denley Loge, accusing him of being a Democrat-in-disguise because in 610 votes, he voted with Democrats 196 times, approximately 32%. This and other assertions make the ad full of logical holes. Suffi...
The Sanders County Arts Council will not be as visible as usual for the next several months. We have cancelled or postponed our events and programs out of concern for the health of our residents and visiting artists and out of respect for needed redirection of public fundraising efforts to support food banks and other organizations providing direct assistance to those in need during this difficult time. We will connect with the community through publications and technology as we explore and learn strategies to provide arts and culture...
I had many jobs in my career, but my favorite was being a K9 handler. I worked three different K9 Units and handled/trained dozens of dogs. This week marks the 25th anniversary of my first K9 partner's passing. It was a tough day for me! The relationship between a handler and K9 partner is impossible to describe. The following is the letter I wrote for our department's newsletter that same day. Most of the readers knew Thor and I. I've been extremely fortunate in my police career. I have been...
I am currently a teacher and coach employed by the Noxon School District. When I began my teaching career 14 years ago, I promised myself I’d always try to attack each day with vigor, excitement and a knowledge that I have an opportunity to positively impact a young mind. Countless educators across the country can say the exact same thing… but I was also naive. I was oblivious to the political, underhanded and personal agenda driven nature to which some school districts are sadly exposed. I thought tenure was a practice that didn’t make a lot...
To our community, Thank you! Thank you to everyone who has stayed home these four long weeks. Governor Bullock’s shelter-in-place order has been difficult for everyone, we understand how much stress this has caused and how eager people are to return to normal life. People are not working, they are losing income, and are missing out on community. We are all missing our personal, social, church, and community activities. Our kids are missing school and sports too. We wish this could be over soon, but it won’t be. Please know that eve...
I cribbed — and modified — that line from an old radio show, the Jack Benny Hour. Benny was a notorious skinflint who, in one episode, was the victim of a hold-up. “Your money or your life!” says the bandit. No answer. “I said, your money or your life!” “I’M THINKING!” says Benny. That, in a sense is the kind of scenario we are facing with opening up the economy by relaxing restrictions on human contact while still faced with increasing deaths from COVID-19. It is a hard, but simple choice; whic...