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Firearms have been a part of the fabric that defines our nation from the very outset. The people pushing for more gun control laws or gun bans truly baffle me. I just don’t get it. Number one, we as a nation can’t, don’t, won’t, enforce the laws we already have on the books. And we have plenty. Number two, if simply making something illegal worked, we wouldn’t have a methamphetamine or heroin problem in this country. Number three, we have (and in my opinion always will have) the Second Am...
As we gear up for the holiday season, we’re reminded of the importance of helping others. We should be good neighbors at all times, but those less fortunate need extra help during the holidays. With Thanksgiving just two weeks away, local charities will be hitting the streets asking for donations for food baskets, gifts for needy kids and monetary donations to help Sanders County residents. Aside from monetary donations, many organizations are also looking for volunteers. If you can’t give money, consider giving some of your time to help mak...
Those philosophers who have wrestled with the concept of truth for centuries can take a break now that politicians have taken over the issue. As an example, recently a CNN reporter was accused of “laying his hands” on a female White House aide at a news conference while she was trying to retrieve the microphone from him. We are fortunate to have actual video proof showing that this really “did not” or “did too” happen; in the exact same video, no less. Some claim that the “did too” video wa...
The forecast is predicting snow any day now. The first winter storm of the season always seems to be followed by an increased number of accidents caused by icy roads. Sometimes, it’s as if the summer months have made us forget that ice and snow create hazardous conditions and our driving habits should be adjusted. Every time you get in your car, you’re trusting your life to all the other drivers you pass on the road. And they do the same for you. We should all do our best to earn that trust in each other. Winter roads call for much slower spe...
I am a white, pro-life, Christian, heterosexual male, Republican, who supports a strong immigration policy. Therefore, according to those on the left (at least those who receive the lion’s share of media attention), I, and those like me, are bigoted, misogynistic, homophobes. According to the liberal philosophy, people like me hate and fear immigrants and/or anyone who is not like us (talk about prejudice). I’m tired of being labeled a racist or a hater. Nothing could be further from the truth....
Being a citizen of the United States of America means having the right to enjoy many freedoms others do not. Next Tuesday voters will take to the polls exercising a liberty, which started in 1845, that very few human beings in the world have…the privilege to elect our nation’s leading officials. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only five percent of the world’s population are American citizens and only 60 percent of these people vote in presidential elections, while only 36 percent vote in midterm elections. Why so few? It is interesting tha...
You may have heard about it. A couple of days ago two black men in hoodies drove up to the Boston Library at one in the morning. The Boston Library is a place where many of Boston’s homeless people “live” — for lack of a better word. As the two men got out their vehicle, they began placing trays of cooked food on the pavement in front of the library. Then they walked around to the sides and back of the library to let the homeless, who were sleeping on cardboard mattresses, know that there w...
Red Ribbon Week started in the 80s, and decades later the importance of educating our kids about the dangers of drug use is just as relevant. Educating our kids starts at home, but it takes a commitment from our entire community. The Red Ribbon Week activities include fun things such as doughnuts and dress-up days for the kids, but the message is clear. Keeping kids away from drugs leads to healthier lifestyles and healthier choices as they grow up. According to a 2017 study on Substance Abuse in Montana by the Montana Department of Justice,...
I had the privilege to be in Kabul, Afghanistan, on June 14, 2014. That was a significant date for the Afghan people because it was the second round of their first-ever democratic election. I consider having been there a privilege because of what I witnessed. I was in a position to see rockets launched into the city by terrorists determined to derail the election. The Afghan people stood in line to vote, knowing they could be in the crosshairs! As part of the process, each person had to present...
This weekend, young hunters will head out for adventures in the woods, hoping for their first deer or elk. Opening-day weekend at our house started with cousins driving in from Bigfork, everyone planning the early-morning drive into the mountains, and mom making a big batch of chili. We didn’t always return with animals, but we always had stories. My first hunting season was a special one. My dad bought me a bright orange Elmer Fudd type of hat, which while I thought was dorky, kept my ears nice and warm throughout the season. And when I s...
Most times I make my decision how to vote on a ballot initiative by looking to see what groups support it. Sometimes, it works the other way and I will cast my vote based on which groups oppose it. That last is the case on my decision to vote for I-135, the initiative to pay for an expanded Medicaid program by increasing the tax on tobacco products. The two major contributors (in fact, just about the only contributors) to the anti I-185 campaign are both tobacco companies — companies that h...
At its meeting in Thompson Falls on Monday, the city council defeated a proposed ordinance to start licensing cats. The ordinance was proposed after increased complaints of nuisance cats. The council also voted on an ordinance addressing recreational vehicles used as residences. While these ordinances may seem nuisances to some extent, the intention is positive. They are efforts to clean up the city. However, we shouldn’t need ordinances to help us be good neighbors. If you’re a cat person, or a dog person for that matter, you make a cho...
I wrote a column a few weeks ago regarding the Kavanaugh confirmation process that seems to have caused confusion for some readers. I feel compelled to go into more detail regarding how I came to my conclusions. I would first refer the readers to the second paragraph of my September 27th column. It states, in pertinent part, “I want to begin by saying two things; First, what I’m about to write is in no way intended to minimize the impact of a sexual assault on a victim. Second, this is an int...
The general election is just about a month away. We’re thankful for absentee ballots that allow us to research issues and candidates at home before we mark our choices. However, we still find ourselves scrambling to learn about candidates to make a decision. Friday and Saturday, The Ledger is sponsoring candidate forums. Candidates for local races including sheriff/coroner, state representative, county commissioner, justice of the peace, district court judge, county attorney and county treasurer/clerk and recorder/superintendent of schools w...
One of my favorite expressions is “often wrong, never in doubt.” I like to think it doesn’t apply to me—at least the “often” part—but I do come under the category of being overly certain in my opinions or in an event I swear happened. For instance, in the latter category would be my memory of where I left a tool. I will be looking for—say a left-handed monkey wrench—and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was last seen exactly where it now isn’t. Often that experience has to do with the...
This week, the tradition that is homecoming begins for Sanders County schools. The students will participate in Olympics, dress-up days and dances. Volleyball and football teams will rally for wins on their home turf, and the royalty will be crowned. Homecoming is a celebration of all things school spirit, but we feel like there’s a key component missing — encouraging alumni to come home and be a part of the celebration. It might be smart for the schools to reach out to alumni. Let’s face it, it’s easier to find people and connect with them wi...
Democrats are pulling out all the stops trying to derail the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. As expected, Kavanaugh answered the questions from both Democrats and Republicans honestly and with integrity. Now that their legitimate efforts during the actual hearing didn’t work (even Spartacus couldn’t save the day!), Democrats have come up with a letter that Sen. Diane Feinstein sat on for over two months. This letter alleges an act of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh that...
Parents, are you listening? Sanders County Local Advisory Council (LAC) has a vision of building a stronger community. They have spent countless hours researching the habits of our youth and reaching out to share what they have discovered. They are trying to get our attention. Are you listening? It is quite alarming to attend LAC forums to find only a handful of attendants. What’s even more alarming? Times have changed; sex, drugs and rock-n-roll as it was in earlier years has changed … big time! Adults who ignore this message, or are sim...
An article in the October 2018 Atlantic (“Is Democracy Dying?”) points out that one of the checks and balances the creators of the Constitution employed was the use of time. The writers of the Constitution were highly educated men for whom the importance of rational thought was paramount. They feared that the irrationality that is born of inflamed passions of an aroused public would be the chief danger to the nation’s success, and so they developed a document that would require a slow, delib...
In rural areas, finding volunteers for any event or organization is a challenge. When you get people to participate, keeping them is sometimes even harder. The efforts of first responders are sometimes taken for granted, but we want them all to know we appreciate them. Recently we’ve seen and heard some instances of vehicles not pulling over for first responders. Not only is it a courtesy, but it’s a law. Many of our roads are narrow and winding, and there aren’t ideal places to pull off of the road when encountering an ambulance, fire or po...
I’ve never run for a political office and suspect I never will. There’s a reason. I don’t think I could do what I’ve seen career politicians (from all parties) do my entire life … straddle the fence. My personal integrity won’t allow it. Recent case in point, Montana Governor Steve Bullock. Last month, Gov. Bullock was interviewed by CNN reporter Jake Tapper. When asked if he would support a ban on assault weapons, Bullock responded, “You know, I would Jake.” Interesting! In his run for his sec...
The news last week that rising costs are forcing changes to the county’s recycling program really hit home. We have read articles about the amount of plastics in the oceans, the billions of tons of trash in landfills. We have to admit, we took for granted that the recycling program would be here and we could do a little bit to help the earth. The cuts to the county recycling program are hard. We’re thinking more about consumption (have you noticed local restaurants cutting back on straws unless you specifically ask for one) and waste. We...
It’s Labor Day, but organized labor doesn’t seem to be doing so well. Since 2012 six state legislatures have passed “right-to-work” laws, bringing the right-to-work total to 28 states, and the Supreme Court has recently decided a major case (Janus vs. AFSCME) by holding that government employees do not have to pay union dues if they don’t want to, thus disregarding the fact that those employees are entitled to all the benefits that the union negotiators have won. Once you get away from the...
With the passing of Arizona Sen. John McCain, we’ve heard a lot about his patriotism, his service and his commitment to this country. If you didn’t know before, after his passing you’ve learned more about his time as a prisoner of war and his leadership that kept him in the U.S. Senate for more than 30 years. What we were most moved by, however, was his strength and tenacity. Most people couldn’t survive five days, let alone five years, being held captive in Japan. And most people, when they are defeated in life, such as he was in the 2000 el...
I recently submitted a letter to the editor regarding my thoughts on the NFL players actions during the playing of our National Anthem. I'm happy to say that the feedback from that letter has been very positive. As a result, I was approached by The Ledger's editor, Annie Wooden, suggesting that I consider writing a bi-weekly column for the paper. Initially I was flattered by that idea. Next... I was intimidated! I've never done such a thing and frankly didn't know where I would start. However,...