Independently owned since 1905
I, and a small group of very dedicated residents of Thompson Falls and the surrounding area, have spent the last year and a half going to city council meetings, strongly encouraging the council to enforce city ordinance 327. The ordinance outlines property owner responsibility in maintaining their property in accordance with a minimum community standard. Should the property owner choose to not maintain their property so it at least meets this standard, the ordinance specifies actions to be taken by the city to get the property into compliance with the ordinance. The group urging council enforcement of the ordinance has been met with opposition by the majority of council members. However, Mayor Mark Sheets has, from the beginning, steadfastly worked to ensure the ordinance is complied with. At the council meeting on Oct. 16, he reported that seven properties have been cleaned up and provided the status of other properties for which complaints exist. Those of us committed to returning Thompson Falls to the beautiful community it should be, are very appreciative to Mayor Sheets for his dedicated efforts regarding ordinance enforcement. The process of enforcement begins when a resident of the community files a formal complaint at city hall identifying a property out of compliance with ordinance 327. The complaint does not have to be signed. It is the responsibility of all citizens to participate in the process that ensures our community is one we are proud to live in and show to our friends and relatives. So thanks again to Mayor Sheets for a job he is doing well.
Ruth Cheney, Thompson Falls
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