Independently owned since 1905

Dam crew celebrates saftey

When you reach a 25-year anniversary in any capacity, it's a remarkable event. At the NorthWestern Energy's Thompson Falls Dam, the crew recently marked 25 years without a lost-time accident.

The milestone came on Sat., Oct. 21. Plant foreman Noel Jacobson said he and his crew continually focus on safety. Such projects as hand rails, machine guarding, adding permanent catwalk access areas, improving lighting and working on ergonomics help keep the crew safe. They also added a new welding ventilation system in the facility's welding shop.

"I'm extremely proud of my crew," said Jacobson, who has been at the Thompson Falls Dam for 20 years. He said they talk about what they can do as a team to make the entire facility a safer place to work. "I value everyone's input," he said.

Along with the 25-year milestone, the Thompson Falls NorthWestern Energy facility continues to be recognized as a Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) facility by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The dam first received the designation in 2011, and was re-certified as a VPP Star Facility in 2015. VPP recognizes worksites that demonstrate exemplary safety performance that goes beyond compliance with safety regulations.


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