Independently owned since 1905

Rex fundraiser shows off history

The plot thickens for the fundraiser to help keep the doors open at the Rex Theatre in Thompson Falls.

A special showing of a Montana-filmed vintage movie is scheduled to entertain movie lovers and raise a few dollars to ensure the theatre’s continuance. Released in 1955, “Timberjack” was filmed in the Polson area with a few scenes shot near Missoula. In those days, fanfare for the movie’s release reached fever-pitch in Montana awaiting the opportunity to see their home state on the big screen. The day the movie was shown at the Rex in Thompson Falls, a loaded logging truck parked in front of the marquee boasting banners and posters promoting the flick. A black and white photo hanging in the Rex Theatre’s lobby shows an excited crowd around the truck, posing for a picture before enjoying the show.

A showing of “Timberjack” is scheduled at the Rex for Thursday, 2 p.m. and Friday, 7 p.m. December 28 – 29. The showing is free, but a $10 minimum goodwill offering is suggested. The movie audiences will see is authentic, as it will be projected on the screen using an original copy of the reels released in 1955. “This will be an interesting experience for the audience,” said Rex owner Doug Grimm, “since we are all so used to digital surround sound and high definition picture. This will give viewers a glimpse into what movies looked and sounded like back in the day.”

In addition to the film, a contest will be held for attendees with prizes for the “Best Dressed Lumberjack and Best Dressed Showgirl.” The winners of that contest will be awarded a bag of Placer Gold material from the historic Bear Gulch Mine tunnels that were developed in 1865, donated by Tall Timber Flying Service of Bearmouth, Montana.

In homage to the festivities of the original movie release, a logging truck showing/display will take place for the Thursday matinee, sponsored by Thompson River Lumber. The winner of the best logging truck, loaded or not, will receive a bunk of lumber (of the winner’s choice,) donated by Thompson River Lumber. This will be determined by writing a number on the vote ticket that will be given to each seat holder when they enter. Also, Western States Caterpillar of Missoula will have a brand new Cat 320 log loader on display for the event. They are offering a special price on the Cat 320 and a portion of any sale during the show will be donated to save the Rex.

The Friday evening showing will have adult beverages available through Minnie’s Café, doors open at 6 p.m.

For more information about the logging truck display, contact Gene Arnold, Paul Lantz or Dick Komberec at 552-5413. For more information on New Western States Caterpillar Cat 320 log loader call Mike Herzog at 360-0471.


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