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A few facts on dog vaccines

Letter to the Editor;

The December 14, 2017 Ledger article regarding rescued dogs contained an eye catching statement. “Getting your dog the proper vaccinations is really the only way to prevent having to watch your pet go through a very painful death.” Knowing that human vaccinations are falsely advertised led me to investigate dog vaccines. A few interesting facts follow:

* Parvo was not experienced by dogs prior to 1970. It is believed that a Modified Live Virus (MLV) vaccine for cats lead to a mutated virus spreading to dogs.

* Regardless of its beginnings, Parvo in Dogs may be caused by Distemper Vaccine for dogs.

* Parvo vaccine is another live virus vaccine and thus is a cause of parvo disease. And puppies can be exposed to parvovirus at the Vet’s office.

* According to Dogs Naturally Magazine (online), “The nosode [homeopathic preventive for Parvo] is generally thought to be the most effective and safe manner of prevention by homeopathic vets.”

* Dogs Naturally Magazine also reports that Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine concluded that vaccinated dogs developed autoantibodies to many of their own biochemicals.

The list of reasons for not vaccinating grows each year. Both animals and humans gain better health and longer life with a good diet and other beneficial life style choices including rejecting the poisons that constitute vaccine ingredients.

Dewey Duffel, Thompson Falls


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