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Letter to the Editor: Petitions for NLI bylaws changes

Dear Editor

Members of Northern Lights, Inc. (NLI), our local rural electric cooperative, are circulating petitions to change two sections of NLI’s ByLaws.

According to NLI’s 2016 IRS 990 form, directors typically work 5 hours a week. Partial compensation is $27,942 per year that may be taken in health insurance or cash. Each director receives, in addition, a per diem and mileage for attending meetings. Directors are elected “volunteer” trustees who should negotiate to keep member bills low. Petition one asks for a change in the Bylaws to remove health insurance as part of director’s compensation.

The second petition seeks to give members the right to exchange the current digital meters for an analog meter due to either privacy concerns or health issues. Over the last five years, NLI’s analog meters have been swapped for digital meters, generally without member knowledge or consent.

The petitions are available this week for NLI members to sign at Uptown Essentials, next to True Value Hardware in Thompson Falls. Additional information is available with the petitions.

Thank You.

Dewey Duffel,

Thompson Falls


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