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What's your favorite Olympic sport and why?

MICHAEL HEDAHL, Thompson Falls – “Downhill skiing because I’ve skied a lot over the past 14 years. I’m fascinated with speed. People can go at such high speeds.”

SHARON POUND, Thompson Falls – “I like the skiing and snowboarding. I just like it.”

JACQUE JONER, Thompson Falls – “Probably ice skating. I like the grace and choreography. “

TILLIE WOLLASTON, Thompson Falls – “I do watch it especially when my favorite programs are not on. I pretty much like all the sports.”

CHUCK HAMMETT, Thompson Falls – “I like the downhill skiing. It’s exciting looking. I used to ski.”

TRACY DYSON, Hot Springs – “I like gymnastics. I took gymnastics when I was in elementary school but I never thought of going into the Olympics. I really liked Nadia Comaneci who was a famous gymnast.”


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