Independently owned since 1905

Mail proposal would be a hassle


Just last Friday I heard from several people that the Postmaster of Trout Creek was going to submit a request to annex over half of the Blue Slide Road (at least 10 miles) as well as land on the West side of the river by Beaver Creek, into a Trout Creek mail delivery zone. She confirmed this “proposal” by phone to me this Monday morning.

I might suggest that if you currently live in this area and don’t like the idea that a single, unelected, government employee can cause you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in costs to change ALL your legal mailing addresses, you might want to confirm the issue with her and complain about this “proposal.” It is particularly bad if you have lived here for years at the same mailing address, but now have to have your service address changed for no good reason other than increasing the delivery mileage she can credit to her office.

However, the real focus here is on mail address changes YOU will have to pay for, such as driver’s licenses, vehicle plates, titles, check books, credit cards, business and personal contact lists. All of this will affect hundreds of people, because of her unilateral action. Perhaps she and her bosses at the U.S. Postal Service should be informed of what YOU want? This is what happens when petty bureaucrats are unchallenged in their “official duties” and when they try and make costly, decisions, for YOU.

Bruce Hunn,

Thompson Falls


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