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Noxon ready to 'Kick Butts'

Kickin’ butts and taking names – that’s what students at Noxon Schools will be doing Tuesday, March 20 for National Kick Butts Day with the help of Sanders County Tobacco Prevention and a special guest speaker the following day. The national event will have students around the country learning about the harmful effects of tobacco use, as well as committing to stay tobacco free.

Traditionally, students in the National Honor Society (NHS) arrange a slew of hands-on activities for students in the district to learn about the dangers of tobacco use and the efforts tobacco companies go to in order to hook new customers from low income people and youth. “This year, we’ll be doing those same gym-full of activities and games for the young kids,” said Noxon senior and NHS member Phalyn Fickas, “the event Wednesday will feature some activities and our guest speaker, all geared toward the older kids.”

Fickas is on fire with her smoking prevention efforts, thanks to a trip to Washington D.C. over the summer with other NHS students from Noxon High School for a national summit on tobacco prevention.

“That summit was one of the best experiences I ever had,” shared Fickas, who was quite at home amongst a congress of teens from around the country who were also passionate about stomping out tobacco.

“While I learned so much about the harms of tobacco, the biggest thing that I got from the summit was the confirmation that my passions and hard work are worth it, that everyone there was the same as me and we had the chance to change the world for the better. It might seem a bit extreme but, in that environment, it really felt like it was possible.”

In preparation for Kick Butts Day, Fickas shared that she and her peers, “got together to discuss what would impact our student body the most. We figured that the stations that we do in the gym for the elementary every year are perfect because they love it and the activities help them learn. The older kids were more of a struggle but we figured that someone that they see as important, and knowledgeable speaking to them about the harms would be the best.”

A key player in the summit is the nationally recognized anti-tobacco campaign, Truth. Their regular ads on television are cleverly created to put a fine point on the dangers of tobacco and how the industry manipulates the public to take on the habit. Fickas made some connections with the organization and had a few phone numbers of their key players. “They always said they were willing to help out in any way they could, so I reached out,” Fickas explained.

Her request for a speaker for the Noxon event was met with an email response from Truth; “I would like to inform you that your speaker request has been approved! Our Youth Activism Fellow, Katelynd Todd will deliver the keynote at Noxon High School.”

Fickas was delighted to get the response and had no preference on what Katelynd Todd would speak about, she just hopes she can get through to the older kids.

Noxon’s Kick Butts Day for the elementary students will begin just after 9 a.m. in the gymnasium Tuesday, March 20, with Fickas and the NHS crew at the helm. Activities geared toward the older students will take place the following day. Katelynd Todd will address the junior high and high school student body.


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