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What age do you think is "old"?

COLTON MUELER, (10 years old 4th grader) Noxon – “80”

JEFF McINTYRE, Noxon, age 68 – “ 68. I feel old and worn out.”

RACHEL PETERSON, Noxon – “There’s no set age. You are only as old as you feel.”

MALIA MURRAY, Noxon – “I see ‘old’ people, but they act younger than some ‘old’ people.”

CLINT HOOSER, Plains – “The typical answer would be 80-90 years old. But aging is infinitive. There’s no old, there’s no young.”

JILL KAISER, Noxon – “One hundred years old. But I don’t know anybody who is 100.”


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