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Local Head Start serves families

Throughout the country, early childhood education programs such as preschools take on a variety of forms. In Thompson Falls, a program is helping families and children make education a priority.

Lisa Davis took over the Head Start program in Thompson Falls in September. The program, for 3- and 4-year-olds, includes weekly home visits and two evening classes a month. The classes are held at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Thompson Falls.

Davis said the program is flexible, and that they work around parents' schedules.

"Parents are the first teachers, and they are involved in each step," of the program, David said, including home-based lessons.

Child Start Inc., Head Start, manages the program, which is federally funded by the Department of Health and Human Services. The program's mission statement is "to provide opportunities for education and growth of our children, families, staff, and our community in a nurturing and supportive environment."

Davis said she likes seeing the children's progress, not only from the education aspect of the program but also the children's social skills.

Stephanie Biegel is the Family Services and ERSEA (Enrollment, Recruitment, Selection, Eligibility and Attendance) Manager for Child Start Inc. She said the goal of the program is to move all services to center-based instead of home-based.

She said that the center-based program would be a full-day preschool, Monday through Thursday. Biegel said the programs in Thompson Falls and Plains will remain home-based through the 2018-19 school year.

"A lot of families are working, especially in more rural areas," Biegel said, noting that center-based programs are better for working families. She said the program "really focuses on helping families gain economic stability and kindergarten readiness."

The program will remain free and income-based, with eligibility guidelines based upon poverty standards set by Health and Human Services.

Child Start Inc., Head Start, is now enrolling for the Fall 2018 session. Children must be age 3 or 4 by September 10 to enroll. For more information about the program or to enroll, call (406) 728-5460.


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