Independently owned since 1905

Less water, higher costs


We all owe a debt of gratitude to the five City Council members, who, “doing business their way” [paraphrasing Ms. Kersten], cut our water “allotment” by a HUGE 75%, from @260 gallons per day per metered residence, to a meagre 66 gallons per day.

I’m sure all those with children, or home-bound elders - with piles of laundry and bathing requirements that go with parenting and care-taking - will bless our Wise Stewards.

In addition, they raised our “delivery cost” (the meter, basically), from 26 dollars per month to 40 dollars per month - a whopping 54% INCREASE.

I can appreciate the NEED for infra-structure up-grades and repairs. But, the gallons of water - to which we are entitled as owners of same - have NOTHING to do with the condition of the pipes, or the sewer.

And, when asked if we’d get credit for un-used water, simple answer was “no.” Like taking without compensation, if you were to ask me.

Doing business the old fashioned way: “... [erecting] a multitude of new offices, and [sending] swarms of officers to harass our people...” [1776 Declaration of Independence, referencing King George and his courtiers - now being incrementally replaced by minions of the United Nations]

Thank you Mayor Sheets, Mr. Ribiero, Mr. Eggensperger, Ms. Powell, Ms. Kersten, and Ms. Vaught. You are a credit to wise management of OUR resources. Mr. Newman is to be commended for standing with the citizens and residents against these HUGE increases.

I don’t know about the rest of our people locally, but 33 gallons per day (household of 2) is barely sufficient for consumption, dishes, laundry, shower, and at least 4 flushings of toilet per day - let alone making dry lawns green, which I hope all the busy-bodies in town will appreciate by September, after sere winds have blown for two months...

Next up, they will pass an ordinance telling us when we can make noise in the city limits. On the horizon, another set of “offices” as they consider a “Planning Board.” Where ever will they house them?

A round of applause is in order.

Jim Greaves,

Thompson Falls


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