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For you, when does summer start?

SOLVEIG NYGAARD, Thompson Falls – “When the pool officially opens in mid-June. I like jumping off the diving board.”

THURMAN PETTY, Thompson Falls – “When I check the calendar and it says, ‘Summer begins”.

JEREMY MEYERS, Thompson Falls – “July 4th because I’ve seen it snow in late June. That’s why I say July 4th.”

STEPHANIE ANDERSON,Thompson Falls –”I think it is Memorial Day weekend. The kids are out of school and people start traveling, but not this year.”

DENNIS OVITT, Plains – “Probably Memorial Day weekend. We usually go camping but we couldn’t go this year.”

KIRT WOODEN, Missoula – “Memorial Day weekend. I work in a grocery store as a meat cutter, so it’s busy then. When I have time, I go swimming once in a while.”


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