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Heron man earns environmental activism award

Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness (FSPW) Program Coordinator, Sandy Compton, was awarded the Keith and Pat Axline Award for Environmental Activism on May 19, 2018, during Idaho Conservation League's (ICL) Wild Idaho Conference in Stanley, Idaho. It is ICL's highest award for environmental activism.

Compton received the award for his work on the proposed Scotchman Peaks Wilderness. While listening to ICL's Executive Director Rick Johnson describe this year's recipient, Compton sat in his normal seat at the event wondering just who was going to be honored with it this year.

"To say I was surprised would be an understatement. Flabbergasted might be better," Compton said. "I also felt very honored. I'm sure there are others who deserve the award more than me, but I'm very grateful to have received it."

Compton has been working for Wilderness for the Scotchmans since before the Friends existed and has been an actual paid employee for eight years. His writing about the Scotchmans and other wild places can be seen in multiple regional publications and in many of his own books.

"Sandy is incredibly deserving of this award," said Phil Hough, executive director of the Friends. "Nominating him was a no-brainer. He lives and breathes the Scotchman Peaks and has worked tirelessly not just to preserve the area's character through Wilderness designation, but also through stewardship work and by introducing kids to nature both in and out of the Scotchmans."

Compton is one of several folks from the Inland Northwest who have been awarded the Keith and Pat Axline Award for Environmental Activism, which is named for two long-time ICL members dedicated to conservation causes. The award was established in 1995.

Past Inland Northwest winners include former state Sen. Mary Lou Reed, University of Idaho Professor Fred Rabe, retired Fish and Game employee Wayne Melquist, Spokane physician John Osborn and FSPW Executive Director Phil Hough.

Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness's mission is to protect the Scotchman Peaks for future generations through Wilderness designation, ongoing stewardship and education.


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