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Summer of camps, classes

The Thompson Falls Public Library began their Summer Reading Program on June 2. The program is each Saturday at 11 a.m. until the end of July at the library.

There will be a presentation by the weekly guest followed by a kid’s craft. There will also be opportunities to win prizes at the end of the program based on individual reading goals. The theme of this year’s program is “Libraries Rock!” and a lot of the activities will focus around music. For more information, you can pick up a flyer at the Thompson Falls library or call 827-3547.

The MSU Sanders County Extension Office will present three classes through the summer. The classes will provide information about protecting your property from wildfires, cooking tips and managing a limited budget for grocery shopping. The classes will be held on June 20, July 18 and August 25. You can register and find out more by calling Sanders County MSU Extension Services at 827-6934.

The Thompson Falls Elementary School will have a youth football camp for grades 1-8 on June 11-13. There will be a basketball camp for grades 3-8 on June 18-21. The first session of Summer School will be June 11-21 and the second session will be July 9-19. Kindergarten Readiness will take place July 9-12. All camps are sponsored in part by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant. There will also be more camps available throughout the summer and you can find out more by calling the elementary school office at 827-3592 or the high school office at 827-3561.

The Paradise Center in Paradise is hosting a Kaleidoscope Arts Camp for youth. The camp is every Monday and Wednesday for ages 12-18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and every Tuesday and Thursday for ages 5-11 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the months of June and July. You can sign up for one two-day session or all of them. The sessions in June are focused on ballet and contemporary dance with dance appreciation and a recital at the conclusion. The July sessions are about visual arts such as drawing, watercolor, acrylics, printmaking and crafts. There are also two five-day sessions focused on theater for both age groups. “Broadway Show Biz” will be August 13-17 for ages 5-11 and “Improv Theater” will be August 20-24 for ages 12-18. To register or for more information visit or call 847-5598.

Plains will offer several youth sports camps this summer. There is a football camp for grades 4-8 scheduled for June 25-26 from 8 a.m. – 11 p.m. A volleyball camp will be held on June 19-20 for grades 3-5 from 9 a.m. to noon and for grades 6-8 from 1 to 4 p.m. There is also a track camp for grades 4-8 from 9 a.m. to noon. A basketball camp will run June 11-12 for grades 3-5 at 9 a.m. to noon and for grades 6-8 1-4 p.m. More information can be found by calling the Plains Elementary School office at 826-3642.

In Noxon, the school will offer a Summer Fun Program July 10 through August 2. The program is Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to noon, and Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Kids will be doing sports and gaming activities inside and outside on Tuesdays, Wednesdays will be craft day, and Thursdays will be reserved for swim lessons, activities and open swim time. For information, contact Tracey Dean at 847-2949.

A volleyball skills camp is open to kids in grades five through eight in Noxon. The camp is June 18-19, 9 a.m. to noon both days. The cost is $30 and includes a t-shirt. For information, contact Kristina Brown at [email protected], or Dana Grupenhoff at [email protected].


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