Independently owned since 1905

Sheriff's Log

Ambulances: Noxon, 2; T. Falls, 9; Plains, 2; H. Springs, 3.

Sunday, June 3

Dogs at large, T. Falls.

Citizen concern over an airplane, T. Falls.

Vehicle vs. bear, T. Falls.

Dog bite, Paradise.

Erratic driver, Hwy. 200, Dixon.

Vehicle parked near Plains park damaged.

Noise complaint at Pilgrim Cr. Park, Noxon.

Dog bite, Noxon.

Welfare check requested, Plains.

Tree blocking Blue Slide Rd., T. Creek.

Disturbance, H. Springs.

Concern over animal welfare, T. Falls.

Monday, June 4

Injured deer in T. Creek yard.

Person dumping something out of a barrel into the creek behind Camas Foods, H. Springs.

Partner/family member assault, H. Springs.

Concern over animal welfare, T. Creek.

Dog bite, T. Falls.

Property dispute, H. Springs.

Welfare check requested, Plains.

Juvenile from residential program out for a walk, returned to program by a deputy, T. Falls.

Tuesday, June 5

Disturbance at Plains residence.

Motor vehicle crash with injuries, vehicle rear ended a dump truck, Plains.

Violation of protection order, T. Falls.

Drugs found on floor of Lucky Lil’s, T. Falls.

Domestic dispute, T. Falls.

Erratic driver on Hwy. 200, Plains.

Welfare check requested, T. Falls.

Longhorn bull on Hwy. 200, Dixon.

Bear approaching dwelling, no fear of residents, T. Falls.

Partner/family member assault, Plains.

Disabled vehicle blocking Hwy. 135.

Wednesday, June 6

Vehicle vs. power pole, T. Falls.

Motor vehicle crash, semi tipped over, blocking Hwy 200, T. Creek.

Grass fire out of control, H. Springs.

Black cow on Hwy. 200, T. Creek.

Threat made by phone, T. Falls.

Black calf in the road, Hwy. 200, T. Creek.

Three cows in the middle of Hwy. 200, vehicle vs. cow, Hwy. 200, T. Creek.

Thursday, June 7

Suspicious activity outside T. Falls business.

Erratic driver on Hwy. 135.

Dog fight, T. Falls.

Property/neighbor dispute, T. Falls.

One vehicle roll-over crash, no injuries, Hwy. 28, H. Springs.

Semi with a trailer traveling east on Hwy. 200 looks like it has mechanical problems, Plains.

Concern for animal welfare, T. Falls.

Request for civil standby, T. Falls.

Friday, June 8

Report of phone scam, T. Falls.

Report of gate rammed several times, gate post laying on the ground, H. Springs.

Motor vehicle crash, truck rear-ended on Hwy. 200, Plains.

Welfare check requested, Plains.

Theft of a large amount of money from a business account, T. Falls.

Assault over work issues, T. Falls.

Suspicious activity at Flat Iron Tire building, T. Falls.

Saturday, June 9

Altercation in front of the bars on Main St., H. Springs.

Fender bender near the Symes Hotel, H. Springs.

Vehicle vs. deer, Hwy. 200, Plains.

Mushroom pickers using four-wheeler behind gate, Plains.

Violation of protection order, T. Falls.


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