Independently owned since 1905

Question of the Week

What has been your favorite pet and why?

LOUIS RENDA (here visiting family) – “I had a cat named Pumpkin. She was a very smart cat, very affectionate. My cat and I understood each other. When I told him to do something, he’d do it. He recently died. I miss him.”

KEITH SHANKLIN, Thompson Falls – “My dog. I called him Denny. I got him when my dad was working on the Cody dam in Wyoming. He went everywhere with us. He finally passed away. He was one smart dog… just a wild breed.”

ALLISON HODGES, Noxon – “My dog named Lucky. He’s my friend and a great companion though he eats rats.”

TIM CONNER, Kalispell – “I have a Siamese cat named Brownie. He talks to me – Siamese cats are known to do that. He’s two years old. I adopted him from the Humane Society.”

EARL EDRINGTON, Plains – “My dog, Eunice, a Schnauzer. She’ll be 13 in September. She’s right with me wherever I go – to work or play – she’s right there.”

BRANDON TALARICO, Spokane – “Yes. My dog, Louie, a Mini Australian Shepard. I got him from a breeder in Priest River, Idaho. He brings happiness to the whole family.”


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