Independently owned since 1905

Sheriff's Log

Sunday, June 17

Son-in-law called to say he was on his way over to drive his truck through the house, Heron.

Cows on road, Paradise.

Commercial alarm set off, Trout Creek.

Three missing goats.

Caller would like to talk to an officer about someone who has been stealing from him, Plains.

Vehicle broke down, mm 33, I-90.

Welfare check requested, Plains.

White suburban with WA plates swerving all over road, Paradise.

Caller found knife on mantel outside door, believes it was a threat, Hot Springs.

Dog at large, T. Falls.

Vehicle broke down, stuck at Wild Goose Landing, T. Falls.

Caller was given sandwich bag of marijuana and a box of paraphernalia, would like officer to come pick it up, Paradise.

Monday, June 18

One-vehicle accident, Noxon.

Welfare check, residence should be empty, Heron.

Stolen camper battery, Plains.

Caller requests deputy to escort daughter off property, Paradise.

Welfare check requested, Dixon.

Welfare check requested, Plains.

Dogs in yard, eating garden, Hot Springs.

Vehicle over embankment, T. Falls.

One-vehicle accident with minor injuries, Plains.

Report of gunshots at Beaver Creek gravel pit.

Caller receiving Facebook messages from respondent in order of protection, T. Falls.

VIN inspection requested, Plains.

Civil standby requested for retrieval of personal items.

Long horn cow on Hwy 200, Plains.

Report of three gunshots, subject shooting crow out of his tree, T. Falls.

Vehicle versus deer, Hot Springs.

Caller received text from neighbor to have them request officer to escort male off property, Plains.

Tuesday, June 19

Stalking, T. Falls.

Welfare check requested, T. Falls.

Male causing a disturbance, T. Falls.

Neighbors dog barks and howls nonstop, caller would like to speak to officer about it, Plains.

Daughter at residence hiding while two males are taking items out of the house, Plains.

Three-vehicle accident, no injuries, Hot Springs.

Caller states someone is outside, in reference to a temporary order of protection that will be served, Trout Creek.

Caller attempting to find runaway daughter from Missoula, has information she may be camping in Sanders County area.

Neighbor firing off guns in rapid succession, advised caller it is not illegal to shoot firearms in Montana, Plains.

Report of motor vehicle accident, appears to have rolled, no one around, Heron.

Wednesday, June 20

Motor vehicle accident, Montana/Idaho border.

Possible impaired driver, Plains.

Commercial alarm triggered, groundskeeper believes he triggered it, Paradise.

Vehicle versus deer, Noxon.

No contact order violation by phone contact, Plains.

People refuse to leave deceased person’s property and are driving his vehicle, Heron.

Report of six juveniles hanging over rail at walking bridge, one littered into river, T. Falls.

No trespass order violation, Hot Springs.

Thursday, June 21

Dead deer blocking Hwy 200, T. Falls.

Respondent on temporary order of protection is outside caller’s residence in vehicle, had been knocking on door shouting to be let in, order has not been served yet.

Neighbor brings pit bull mix dog to caller’s house even after she’s asked him not to, Plains.

Unstable male came to door and requested to use caller’s phone.

Cow on highway.

Caller received phone call stating grandson had been in an accident and was now in jail, scam, caller does not have a grandson, Heron.

Vehicle damage to fencing, beer bottles around, Hot Springs.

Report of possible drug run, T. Falls.

Walk in report of theft.

Order of protection violation, T. Falls.

Brother ripped down caller’s fence, Plains.

Male with open container sitting on bench, T. Falls.

Kids shooting slingshots at houses, Plains.

Stolen vehicle, Hwy 200 mm 92.

Horses on Hwy 382.

Caller just saw group of kids doing drugs like marijuana, Plains.

Fire on Hwy 56, mm 1.

Intimidation/harassment, Hot Springs.

Commercial alarm triggered, cleared after walk through with key holder, Plains.

Vehicle blocking alley, T. Falls.

Protection order violation, man knocked on front door and took off running, T. Falls.

Friday, June 22

Permanent trailer plate stolen, Noxon.

Shooting gophers and someone came out and shot toward caller’s property, Plains.

Provider is making threats to kill and gut caller and wife over fronted medical marijuana, Plains.

Neighbors drunk and talking drunk, broken wine bottle on sidewalk, beer cans laying on ground, Plains.

Welfare check requested.

Report of abandoned vehicle with broken windows and keys in ignition, T. Falls.

Statement filled out referencing harassment issues, Plains.

Yard sale is possible road hazard, Trout Creek.

Very intoxicated male refused alcohol sales twice, vehicle would not start and when he got it running he moved it to the middle of the lot then left on foot, Trout Creek.

Caller on phone with computer tech, evidence computer has been hacked as there are two IP addresses, T. Falls.

Report of robbery at Mangy Moose, suspects pinned down inside business, unknown weapons, Plains.

Caller assaulted by adult son, has some bruises, calling on request of son so he can get help with mental health, Plains.

Motorcycle driver has been driving at excessive speed, ongoing issue, T. Falls.

Report of RV parked on private property, Paradise.

Vehicle versus deer, deer needs dispatched, debris on roadway, Plains.

Vehicle versus deer, Hot Springs.

Saturday, June 23

Boxer with broken cable chain at caller’s house, no license, T. Falls.

Bicyclists riding in middle of highway and not getting out of the way of traffic, Plains.

Vehicles sitting near bathroom by river, two children in vehicle, no adults around, Plains.

Cows on highway, Perma.

Truck swerving on highway, Eddy Flats.

Male subject got in caller’s face in reference to hitting two horned cows thinking they belonged to him, Plains.

Bear in yard, Trout Creek.

Three Nikon lenses and a weed whacker stolen off front porch, Trout Creek.

Three juveniles riding on top of multicolored bus, Plains.

Lake County Sheriff advised of caller with kids broken down near Hot Springs.

Report of impaired driver on Hwy 200, Trout Creek.


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