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Local Town Pump honored for ID compliance

Employees of the Thompson Falls Town Pump C-Store fight against underage drinking by requiring ID with every purchase of alcohol. A "sting-operation" was conducted by the Montana Town Pump corporate office, partnering with Thompson Falls law enforcement, to expose any employees who have neglected to ask for ID during a purchase that contains alcohol. These sting-operations are conducted throughout the whole state of Montana at each of the locations on a random basis.

Sanders County Sheriff's Office Deputy April Phillips was also in attendance at the award ceremony.

"The partnership between convenience stores that sell alcohol and the law enforcement are valuable because Town Pump helps keep alcohol out of the hands of the underage community and acts as another set of eyes that can benefit the law enforcement," said Peter Barthelmess, representative from the Town Pump corporate office.

Town Pump launched its Unstung Heroes program in April 2006, which monetarily rewards its employees for passing random compliance checks by law enforcement officials. Each employee will receive a $50 rewards card and an Unstung Hero pin that they can put on their nametag. "The Unstung Heroes program is proving to be successful in promoting responsible alcohol sales at Town Pump Food Stores across Montana," said spokesperson Maureen Kenneally. "Great job Thompson Falls C-Store for preventing underage sales and many thanks for being an Unstung Hero."


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