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Clarification on veteran care

Dear Editor:

Allow me to clarify a misunderstanding in last week’s letter to the editor from Major Jan Manning, U.S. Army (Ret). During my 24 plus years of service to our country, no one ever asked me if I were a Democrat or a Republican. I am not the Vice Chairman of Sanders County Democrats.

My intention in writing to the Ledger was to inform my fellow veterans of the successful efforts of Senator Jon Tester in the passage of 10 bills improving our health care under this administration. Doing so required bi­-partisan efforts by our Senator to ensure passage of these bills and their signature by this President.

As a retired service member, you are eligible for TRICARE, which meets the minimum standards for the Affordable Care Act requirements and will provide any health care, including timely mammograms.

Thank you for providing an opportunity to inform the veterans who live in Sanders County of the health care available to them in appreciation for their service. For further information, please contact Chad Campbell (406) 257-3360 in Kalispell.


Thomas B. Humphreys

Commander, U.S. Navy (Ret), Noxon


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