Independently owned since 1905

Thank you, firefighters

  Saturday the 11th of August early in the evening, my wife and I saw smoke rising just to the west and behind our house. I dialed 911 reported a fire and location. Just a few seconds later a neighbor called saying they could see smoke. I rushed out the door and two neighbors were coming in my driveway. I went out located the flames and started back to the house, fire fighters , fire trucks were already coming across my field. Within just a few minutes, not over 15, they were on the fire.

Three helicopters were there shortly after the ground crew arrived. The fire was controlled in record time. Amazing response and professionalism by all involved. They worked as a team and prevented what could have been a nasty outcome. I think it was reported from Eddy lookout and other neighbors before my call.

Just wanted to say thank you to all involved and what a great job they did. We are lucky to have these firefighters and other assets ready to respond when needed. I believe our fire was called the Munson fire although we are right in the middle of Eddy Flat. They ended up  accessing the fire thru the Dykstra property west of ours. It is great to have neighbors that come together when bad things happen. Again, my thanks to all involved.

Ron Hawkinson,

Thompson Falls


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