Independently owned since 1905

Brooker has non-partisan in service

In 2010, Sanders County voters decided to make several of the county elected positions non partisan. There was wisdom in this as these positions are intended to serve the entire county and not just party politics.

We have a candidate for commissioner actively promoting himself as a Republican because “these are MY values” and encouraging others to vote Republican. NOT who that candidate is or what they stand for or what their verifiable track record is. Just vote Republican no matter what.

Do we really need another local elected official that has demonstrated they will do what they want, for THEIR Party no matter what SC voters have decided? Please wake up SC. Do your OWN due diligence and vote for the right person for the position and not just Party favors.

Consider who has been non-partisan in her lengthy service to ALL of Sanders County...Carol Brooker!

Always with Respect,

Dawn Gandalf


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