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Local voters can make a difference

To the Editor,

I am a registered Republican. I have never written to the editor before in my 64 years. I cannot stay silent any longer. This midterm election is too important.

I’ve never been very good at understanding politics, but in the last eight to 10 years I have been paying more attention. Our country seemed to be going in the direction of meaningful civil discourse, services for everyone, respect for everyone, protection for our environment, and basic common sense. What is happening now under our current administration is disgraceful.

I think that we can make a difference locally by electing people to offices that have our interests in mind and not a “party.” I want someone who will not only listen to our concerns but act on them as well, whether or not it goes along with their party. Someone who will work with everyone. Who will show up for us. I want a person who has lived here, worked here, raised their families here, a person that knows deep down what we need so we have a better life. To those who say we have too much government in our lives; who takes care of our roads, law enforcement and fire protection, education, and health and welfare programs? Look around Sanders many of you need these services?

I feel Chris Gross would put Sanders County needs before any party platform and vote for our local needs.

Kathleen Williams and Jon Tester are the only candidates who are protecting our public lands, fighting for our health care, lowering our taxes instead of the rich guys. They will fight for Montana’s own interests not party line politics.

We know that Carol Brooker has always had our best interests at heart. We KNOW she will fight to protect our public lands and our infrastructure. We are very fortunate to have her offer to work for us for one more term. Please people, look around. Vote for your own interests, not for a party that favors the rich, big corporations and lining their own pockets.


Sharon Pound,

Thompson Falls


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