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Regarding The good and the bad Montana Viewpoint (Nov. 1 Ledger), could I just add “and The ugly” to that title by Jim Elliott.
Jim’s account of good is very accurate. We all know good people in our valley and throughout the entire county that surpasses way beyond good.
And it is a bad state of affairs that a newsman loses his life the way that he did. And another newsman was body slammed, and the guilt fell on “a president” because he says what he thinks, sometimes without thinking of how the fake news such as CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, New York Times is going to report it but … fail to report any … of the good news that our President Trump has ever done on behalf of all of the people of this nation.
That is ugly enough, but they go deeper and darker into the taking things out of context and reporting ugly lies about this very successful president and his supporters. Look at CNN’s Don Lemon’s comment that “white men” are “biggest terror threat.” This is an attack on 70 to 80 percent of the men in our county! Then, Anderson Cooper makes a claim that … “there simply is no good evidence the caravan is a danger to this country, imminent or otherwise.” Wow! That was reassuring coming from fake news. While we are on CNN we can’t leave out the statement by Michael Ahrens that “this president has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did.”
Add to this the corruption of dark money being spent on socialistic Democrats in the hundreds of billions of dollars and nary a peep from the fake news networks.
Anyway, along with Jim Elliott, we too are sick of all of the killings by illegal immigrants that are protected by sanctuary cities, counties and states and … fake news! That is just some of the ugly that is happening between President Trump, his “deplorables,” most of the rest of us in this valley and our worst foe … “fake news” that is leading this country to change from Americans to socialists.
Les Wood, Plains
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