Independently owned since 1905

Winner, winner, turkey dinner

Bingo fun hits Trout Creek

"Bingo!" was shouted repeatedly in Trout Creek last Saturday afternoon when Trout Creek Community Improvement Association (TCCIA) hosted the community Bingo event at the Lakeside Resort.

For only a quarter a game, people tried their luck at winning one of 10 turkey baskets filled with all the fixings for a full meal. There were also dessert plates and individual turkeys given away as prizes to those fortunate enough to call out "Bingo!" after Sandy Green called numbers.

TCCIA's Elizabeth Stender couldn't say enough about the association's appreciation for all the volunteers who provided goodies and the discounts Thompson Falls Harvest Foods and the Trout Creek Local Store graciously gave so items to fill the baskets could be reasonably purchased. "There is enough in the baskets for a full meal," Stender stated. "There are dinner rolls, a turkey, and even sparkling cider...everything is there.

"This isn't meant to be a fundraiser," Stender commented. She said it is designed to be a fun community and family event for this time of year. The day provided a fun and relaxing atmosphere while families and friends shared time and laughter together.

Maddie Wormwood, 11 years old, and Matney Pieper, 10, were professional popcorn poppers and made deliveries to focused players. When asked if it was a hard job to keep fresh popcorn available and perform as waitresses at the same time Wormwood stated, "No, not when you pay yourself in popcorn," as she popped a handful into her mouth and chuckled.

Not only was there freshly popped popcorn and warm beverages available, but Santa Claus made it to the big event to get photos with anyone who wanted a keepsake proving they met the jolly man in red.

There were a couple of returning hot hands at the event. John Cooper had won two turkey baskets at 2016's Thanksgiving Bingo extravaganza and one turkey this Saturday. When asked what he was going to do with his newly acquired turkey Cooper said, "Give it to relatives or my family."

Garth Parker, an eighth-grade student, shared that he too was lucky. He has participated in the event two years and has won two turkey baskets as well. He was focused and hopeful he could do it again.

Green took a moment from calling numbers to announce, "We can have kids here because we do not give out cash." Since goodies and treats were given away as prizes kids can participate. The announcement was followed with a great applause showing support for non-gambling gaming, so families could share times like these together.

TCCIA is currently looking for volunteer board members, as they have had people move away, leaving vacancies. Bob Green, Debb McNary, Jean Manning (Vice Chair/Treasurer) and Stender (Chair) are current members and bring great things to the community through their dedication. "They all work so hard and deserve recognition," Stender said of the TCCIA members. "Bill Manning and Sandy Green are not members, they are spouses of board members, but they help keep it running."

Stender said the board is toying with ideas to bring summer concerts to Trout Creek's park and other family-friendly events. They are also trying to secure grants to make improvements to the playground equipment.

The Lakeside Resort has been a good supporter to TCCIA according to Stender. She commented that they are always willing to hold TCCIA events and provide services, ensuring everyone has a good time. The resort will host TCCIA's next event, The Redneck Ball, on March 2, 2019. Stender commented that this is the biggest fundraiser for the association.


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