Independently owned since 1905

Sheriff's Log

Ambulances: Noxon, 1; T. Falls, 5; Plains, 2; H. Springs, 3; Dixon QRU, 1.

Sunday, December 23

Car in the ditch on Klakken Rd., Noxon.

Officer assist for a driver, vehicle disabled when front tire came off, Hwy. 200, Eddy Flat.

Wallet lost at the Town Pump, T. Falls.

Erratic driver, eastbound Hwy. 200, Plains.

Welfare check requested, Plains.

Monday, December 24

Vehicle slide-off at Pilgrim Cr. and Lower Lynch, damaged vehicle and fence, Plains.

Dog running down Hwy. 200 near the Rimrock, T. Falls.

Fender bender on Combest Creek Rd., Plains.

Dog in westbound Hwy. 200, Paradise.

Welfare check requested, T. Falls.

Road hazard, vehicle parked over the white line, T. Falls.

Disturbance, people shooting off fireworks, Plains.

Suspicious activity, Hwy. 28, H. Springs.

Partner/family member assault, H. Springs.

Domestic disturbance, Heron.

Tuesday, December 25

Barking dog, T. Falls.

Vehicle slide-off, Hwy. 200, Eddy Flat.

Domestic disturbance, Plains.

Vehicle over embankment, River Rd. West, Plains.

Wednesday, December 26

Civil standby requested, T. Falls.

Erratic driver, eastbound Hwy. 200, T. Creek.

Thursday, December 27

Abandoned vehicle on Main St., T. Falls.

Vehicle trespassing on railroad right of way, T. Falls.

Driver of truck pulling a horse trailer pointed a rifle at another driver on Hwy. 93, headed down Hwy. 200.

Friday, December 28

Protection order violation, T. Falls.

Suspicious activity, T. Falls.

Welfare check requested, H. Springs.

Juveniles sledding down hill into Hwy. 200 near west ramp, T. Falls.

Abandoned vehicle on Main St., H. Springs.

Deer blocking eastbound Hwy. 200, Plains.

Criminal mischief at cabin on Hwy. 56.

Saturday, December 29

Vehicle in water near Marten Cr. bridge, non-injury, T. Creek.

RV vandalized, property damaged, Plains.

Vehicle vs. elk, Hwy. 200, Eddy Flat.

Assistance requested for traffic control, Hwy. 200 and Airport Rd., T. Falls.

Kids sledding at new refuse site, T. Falls.

Erratic driver, Hwy. 200 and Hwy. 28.

Possible impaired driver at intersection of Upper and Lower Lynch, vehicle slid into ditch and driver now walking away, Plains.

Suspicious activity at walking bridge parking area, T. Falls.

Rocks on Hwy. 200 near Eddy Flat.

Rocks on Hwy. 200 near Lynch Cr. Vet Clinic, Plains.


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