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Question of the Week?

What should Congress do about the shutdown and building the wall?

TOM KEITH, Noxon – “I don’t think the wall will help keep the illegals out. They will just tunnel under it. I don’t think this shutting down the government will solve the problem either.”

BOBBIE JO SPAHN, Noxon – “I think everybody should get out of Trump’s way and build the wall.”

SHERRY SUTHERLAND, Noxon – “I think the senators and representatives should stop fighting with each other and move on. They need to put the people first and let the people go back to work.”

JUDY AUGUSTINE, Noxon – “My advice to the senators is to get together and build the wall and make sure the nation is safe. Stop playing politics.”

BARNEY McLINDEN, Heron – “Clean out the White House and start all over.”

TOMMY GROFF, Noxon – “I saw a poster that said take all the money directed to foreign aid ($65 billion) and pay for the wall and other things America needs to be done.”


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