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Is this what we've become?

Blaine Blackstone’s latest column, Street Smart, in last week’s Ledger did not truly take me by surprise. He has been very vocal in our community. What will take me by surprise is if no one else challenges his thinking. Is this what we all have become? Is this what we want to be? Must we all carry a Glock in our pocket when we attend bingo at the senior center? Must we teach our children to physically fight for their rights? I applaud our high school kids for peacefully finding a way to call attention to local bullying. Must we all be white, male, Republicans in order to have our thinking be valid? Can we no longer be kind or compassionate? Does that make us weak, not ‘Street Smart?” Is this who we are now, who we have become? Thank you Mr. Blackstone; I can still do my own thinking.

Judy Thompson,

Thompson Falls


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