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State proposes deer hunt changes

Wildlife managers are requesting to change white-tailed deer regulations in two hunting districts in northwest Montana.

FWP Region 1 biologists have submitted a request to the Fish and Wildlife Commission to limit hunting opportunity to antlered bucks in hunting districts 122 (the Thompson River area in Sanders County) and 130 (the Swan area in Lake and Missoula counties).

For the last three years, hunters have been able to harvest a white-tailed deer of either sex during the first week of the general hunting season, as well as the last week of the season on private lands only. The proposed change would make both hunting districts antlered buck only for the entire season.

The commission will review the proposal at its Feb. 13, 2019 meeting in Helena. The commission will accept public comment on the proposal before taking final action. If approved, the changes would take effect this fall.

Hunting season regulations are reviewed and adopted every two years, but requests can come forward in between the formal season-setting process when wildlife biologists and managers demonstrate a need for a mid-cycle change.


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