Independently owned since 1905

Residents oppose special district for T. Falls sewer


We own the 508 Preston Avenue parcel and this letter is a written protest against the proposed water improvements and against the creation of the enlarged water district.

We recognize the need for additional sewer connections above the railroad tracks and upgrades below the tracks. However, your Notice of Intention states the project will cost $688,000. Surely you left off a ZERO! $6,880,000 is a much more likely figure!

As everyone who lives in Thompson Falls knows, above the railroad tracks that hillside is rubble from Glacial Lake Missoula. Many homes have no basements because there are car-sized and house sized boulders in the rubble very close to the surface. Some homes have septic tanks, some homes just run the septic into a void in the rubble.

You are proposing to run sewer lines along the streets with connections coming from the homes to the main sewer lines through this rubble?!

Six million dollars IS NOT ENOUGH! By the time you get the main lines run through the rubble and connected to the homes you will be looking at at least TWICE that amount! It will require a large traxcavator at $2,000 a day and up. What you would have to use to excavate a path from underneath the home or building to the main sewer I have no idea but we firmly believe it would be very expensive and make a real mess of yards as well as under the building.

We oppose the Wastewater Special Improvement District.


Stanley C. Richardson and Jean Adele Carter Richardson,

Thompson Falls


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