Independently owned since 1905

Justice Court

Before Justice of the Peace Doug Dryden

Sanders County Sheriff’s Office

Sarah Mckevitt, 27, fleeing from or eluding a peace officer, $235; reckless driving, 1st offense, $175; day speeding, $100.

Bailey Raymond, 26, night speeding, $70; no liability insurance, 1st offense, $85.

Jordan Sampson, 40, driving while privilege is suspended or revoked, 1st offense, $285.

Derek Bell, 47, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Montana Highway Patrol

Shawn Macbride, 59, night speeding, $70.

Louis Thompson, 50, day speeding, $55.

Levi Foster, 33, stop sign violation, $85.

Logan Fraley, 30, night speeding, $20.

William Shiffman, 48, day speeding, $70.

Scott Soderquist, 42, night speeding, $20.

Jeanette Schouten, 34, seatbelt violation, $20.

George Naumann, 55, night speeding, $20.

Susan Snead, 66, seatbelt violation, $20.

Michael Combs, 53, day speeding, $70.

Benjamin Greving, 27, day speeding, $70.

Jason Moshan, 45, day speeding, $70.

Steven Osborne, 51, day speeding, $120.

Kathy Russo, 46, day speeding, $20.

Jubal Ryan, 19, day speeding, $20.

Joseph Stokes, 65, day speeding, $20.

Russell Swindal, 61, day speeding, $20.

Thompson Falls City Court

Rhienna Davis, 34, operating vehicle with obscured or tinted rear lights, $135.

Darren Levy, 47, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.

Johney Fitchett, 61, speeding in a restricted zone, $65.

Naomi Chamblin-Rummel, 22; failure to signal intention to turn within 100 feet of turn, $50; failure to carry proof of insurance, owner operator, 1st offense, $150.

Brent Heiser, 57, speeding in a restricted zone, $65.

James Hill, 43, driving while privilege is suspended or revoked, 1st offense, $285; failure to carry proof of insurance in vehicle, owner operator, 1st offense, $285.

Glen Haas, 67, speeding in a restricted zone, $65.

Dane Chojnacky, 16, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Travis Cork, 18, operating without liability insurance, 1st offense, $385; careless driving, $85.

Daniel Brown, 38, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Kristy Falkenstein, 40, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Kathrine Norvell, 24, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Brian Duncan, 45, speeding in a restricted zone, $65.

Lance Flander, 47, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Norman Kloehn, 54, owner permitting operation of vehicle without liability insurance, 1st offense; $285; failure to have vehicle equipped with license plate lamp, $60, $60 suspended.

Ean Putnam, 68, speeding in a restricted zone, $65.

Nicole Post, 39, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Larry Gash, 75, speeding in a restricted zone, $65.


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