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Question of the Week

What would you use if plastic bags were banned in Montana?

JERRY TRUELOCK, Nevada – “I’d use a gunny sack or burlap or cloth flour bags — anything that is recyclable. “

RITA HUEBSCHMAN, Trout Creek – “I use paper because it is biodegradable. I always have. If you cut down forests for the paper, they are renewable. Montana could grow hemp and make bags out of it.”

NORA GOFORTH, Trout Creek – “Paper. That’s what I use anyway. I use heavy paper plates. I’m glad to have them, especially when you have a lot of kids and grandkids. It cuts down on dishes.”

CARMEN WOOD, Trout Creek – “I use paper bags or bring burlap bags to the store.”

TRISTAN REAL, Trout Creek – “I can take my groceries out of the cart and put them in my car in the parking lot. I’m glad they are getting rid of plastic bags!”

SKYLER McKNIGHT, Thompson Falls – “I’ll use glass for drinking cups and paper bags for everything else.”


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