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Hypocrisy is mind boggling

I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about this week and then, voila, the Mueller Report was released. Problem solved! It’s been down right entertaining watching the Democrats scramble once they received the news President Trump had been exonerated. They are not happy.

In my last column, I talked briefly about “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” It’s a real thing and that fact was certainly evident this weekend. The Democrat Party response to the Mueller Report is disappointing but not at all surprising. I think we, collectively as Americans, should be celebrating the fact that an exhaustive investigation determined that not one of our citizens colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election. To me that is good news. The Democrats have a different agenda and they are not at all satisfied with the outcome. Why? The investigation didn’t reveal the information they were hoping for. Now the Democrats are talking about follow-up investigations to determine “the real truth” (whatever that means to them!), subpoenas for Mueller and his investigators, etc. It’s actually pretty pathetic.

I could go on and on but Mueller’s investigation speaks for itself and that’s not really what I want to discuss. It’s this “Trump Derangement Syndrome” I’m so curious about. Why do some people despise this president so much?

I’ve asked that question of some of my Democrat friends and family members. I pretty much get the same answers. He’s a racist, he’s a liar., he’s sexist, he’s crude, and he’s arrogant. He’s a criminal. However, these same friends and family members are stymied when I point out the hypocrisy of those accusations. Let’s take them one by one, point-counterpoint.

He’s racist. Democrats had to pass an ‘Anti-hate Resolution’ because of anti semitic statements made by Representative Ilhan Omar. Ok…racism is off the table.

He’s a liar. All I have to say is, Democratic Senator Richard “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal and Senator Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren. There are several others but I made my point. Ok…liar is off the table.

He’s sexist. Seriously? I shouldn’t even have to address this with the party that gave us Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, to name only two. Ok…sexist is off the table.

He’s crude. Democratic Congress Member Rashid Tlaib’s quote, “We’re going to impeach the M*^#+%$#@&#R.” How about all the anti-Trump Hollywood losers? Robert DeNiro is the first to come to my mind but there are dozens of others. Ok…crude is off the table.

He’s arrogant. I don’t know the man personally but I suspect that one may be true. I guess arrogant is still on the table.

He’s a criminal. A nearly two-year investigation by a highly experienced team just revealed that he is not. Ok…criminal is off the table.

I’m sure there’s more but I think I made my point. The hypocrisy of the Democrat Party is absolutely mind boggling and the mainstream media completely ignores it. Care to test that statement? Here’s one for you. Search the Internet for a speech made by Senator Chuck Schumer at Georgetown University regarding immigration policy (it’s easy to find). I think the speech was made in 2009. I don’t care where you stand politically, the hypocrisy demonstrated by Schumer is shameful and pathetic. Watch it and if you disagree with my assessment let me know. I sense a pattern among the Democrats.

So what’s really behind the “Trump Derangement Syndrome?” I’d sincerely like to know what others think. I personally believe it’s the fact that he’s not a Washington insider. He’s not a career politician. He shook up the status quo and made people nervous. President Trump has accomplished more in his first year and a half in office than any other president in my voting experience. Have there been missteps? Sure, but let’s look at the totality based on the latest information. Our military is strong and getting stronger. Law enforcement feels support from the president for the first time in a long time. Our economy is booming. Joblessness is at an all time low. In fact, the employment rate for Blacks and Hispanics is at an all time high. President Trump has confronted and is negotiating with the Chinese regarding trade. He has also confronted North Korea regarding their nuclear program and at the very least has them at the table talking. Whether you agree or not, he’s taking on immigration and trying to make an impact. He negotiated a trade agreement with Mexico and Canada that seems poised to benefit everyone involved. He’s played hardball with Russia and Iran in terms of sanctions. ISIS is on the run. I could keep going but you get it. So…what’s the deal? I think he scares the entrenched politicians and I’m okay with that.

I have a painful confession to make. I didn’t so much vote for Donald Trump in 2016…I voted against Hillary Clinton (Satan might have gotten my vote over Hillary Clinton! Talk about a criminal, but I digress). All that said, I learned and I’m certainly glad he won. I intend to vote for him again. Like the man or not, nobody can deny that he’s making a difference.

Blaine Blackstone is a retired Los Angeles Police Sergeant who enjoys the simpler life in Thompson Falls. He can be reached by email at [email protected].


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