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Question of the Week

Do you have any Easter traditions?

TEENA MALETOR, Trout Creek – “Easter bunny hunt in the morning. Then we go to church, come home to a ham, potatoes and veggie dinner.”

TONY OVERHOLT, Bonners – “We go to church early and afterward our church has a brunch. I really enjoy this, getting to talk and eat with friends. I look forward to it every year.”

HOPE DEFAICO, Naples, Idaho –“We go to Sandpoint to celebrate Easter with my nana.”

WILMA WUEBKES, Plains – “We did an Easter egg hunt and made up Easter baskets. My mom did everything. Then everyone came over to dinner.”

LARRY WARNER, Thompson Falls –“We color eggs and the kids hunt for them. We eat a big dinner. My family is in Utah and we go to church together. We have 20-plus grandchildren. It’s a big family thing.”

R.J. TREVITHICL, Butte, formerly of Thompson Falls – “We have company every Easter and the whole family is getting together this year.”


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