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Street Smart

Time for everyone to move on

The Mueller investigation has been completed and his report submitted. By now, most Americans are aware of the outcome. In my opinion, it’s time for everyone to move on and build on all that President Trump has accomplished since his inauguration. However, it appears that the Democrats in Washington have no intention of letting this issue die. They didn’t get the outcome they were hoping for and they intend to keep pushing. I consider that wasted effort and a disservice to this country.

Mueller had an enormous, tremendously experienced team who conducted an extensive investigation. He found no evidence of collusion. Attorney General Barr and Assistant Attorney General Rosenstein conducted a thorough review of the report and determined there was no obstruction of justice. Democrats aren’t happy about that and are going to pick the report apart trying to find holes. Unfortunately for them, the fact is (absent new evidence, which is doubtful considering the resources Mueller had at his disposal), this thing is over. Come to terms with that and move on!

So why won’t the Democrats in D.C. let this thing go? Simple. It’s the same reason they fight him on the wall and everything else. President Trump’s successes will almost certainly result in a win again in 2020. The thought of a second Trump victory is so appalling to them that they’ll do anything they can to muddy the water and block his efforts.

What would our country look like if all the time, effort and money used by both parties because of the Mueller investigation had been directed toward actually running the government? Think about it. Next, consider the future possibilities if the Democrats would simply accept the results of the investigation and then apply all those resources to help build on President Trump’s accomplishments. I mentioned the following in a previous column but for those who didn’t read it, this bears repeating: Since President Trump took office, our military is strong and getting stronger. Law enforcement feels support from the president for the first time in a long time. Our economy is booming. Joblessness is at an all-time low. In fact, the employment rate for blacks and Hispanics is at an all-time high. President Trump has confronted and is negotiating with the Chinese regarding trade. He has also confronted North Korea regarding their nuclear program and at the very least has them at the table talking. Whether you agree or not, he’s taking on immigration and trying to make an impact. He negotiated a trade agreement with Mexico and Canada that seems poised to benefit everyone involved. He’s played hardball with Russia and Iran in terms of sanctions. ISIS is on the run. Those are facts! I don’t see a down side to all of that and there’s more that could be mentioned. Also, consider the fact that President Trump achieved all of that in the first two years of his presidency with the Mueller investigation hanging over his head.

Why would the Democrats NOT want to work with the president and build on these significant accomplishments? That’s not a rhetorical question! I truly would like to have one of the “anti-Trumpers” explain to me why Democrats are so opposed to working with this president. I would love to read a well reasoned explanation driven by factual information, not emotion. One reader suggested that President Trump and his supporters embrace a culture of hate. Until a person can walk unmolested through cities like San Francisco or Seattle while wearing a MAGA hat, that argument is hollow.

It seems to me that if the Democrats truly had the best interests of the people in mind, they’d want to be involved in and build on all of the positive achievements rather than undermining the president at every turn. Is the president perfect? Clearly, he is not…who is? However, his accomplishments to date are incredible given all the obstacles in his way. But consider how much more he could achieve if the Democrats were working with him rather than against him (immigration and health care immediately come to mind). They’re clearly more interested in party politics and the 2020 election than what is best for this country. That fact should concern everyone.

The Democrats in Washington D.C. have a tremendous opportunity now that the Mueller Report is completed, but they’re going to intentionally let that opportunity pass. They’re not going to let this die. Now the Democrats want to keep this whole thing going with additional investigation and subpoenas for the entire Mueller report. Some newer Democrats are even talking about an impeachment effort that the senior Democrats know is a waste of time. In response, the Republicans are floating the idea of investigating the investigation (how did this whole thing get started). I think these proposed follow up investigations by both parties are wasting an opportunity to move our country forward. Don’t get me wrong. Nobody would like to see Hillary Clinton in an orange prison jumpsuit more than me! However, for the greater good, I think both parties should move on and build on the momentum of the President’s achievements.

Blaine Blackstone is a retired Los Angeles Police Sergeant who enjoys the simpler life in Thompson Falls. He can be reached by email at [email protected].


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