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Time to save our democracy


Another “dog whistle” opinion piece by Blaine Blackstone is enough. The latest Street Smart assault, dated April 25, 2019, is a paraphrased rant, sounding like a Fox News infomercial.

Blackstone wrote a glossed over misrepresentation of what Mueller actually reported, while not mentioning the constraints of the ‘special counsel’ guidelines.

According to a Washington Post/ABC News poll, over half the population (55%) want to get to the bottom of the un-redacted Mueller Report and not rely on Attorney General Barr’s totally misleading four-page interpretation of the 448 page report.

Barr’s statements were a brazen attempt at obstruction itself.

Blackstone seems to have no interest in understanding or accepting any concept that does not support his already decided positions. He also makes it clear that he is a “true believer”and opposing viewpoints are worthless.

To use the newspaper for his personal tirades is unfortunate. Other authors who have graced the Opinion Page offered factual, historical stories and anecdotes that inspire and educate the reader.

I would like to have his column removed from the Ledger and in its space, publish an author with constructive ideas for our community, not two columns of divisive rhetoric in support of a far-right wing agenda.

In conclusion, I believe a second term for Trump would finalize the destruction of our constitutional is not time to “move on” as Blackstone suggests, but a time to work hard to save our democracy from such a threat.


Debbie Lyman, Heron


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