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Freedom or censorship?

I was wondering when the coordinated attacks on the Blaine Blackstone column would occur and now, I see that they have started. Just like the beginning of Conservative censorship on Facebook and Twitter, or the algorithm on Google which tends to ignore conservative ideas, the “hard left” even here in Sanders County can not stand a differing viewpoint from that of their own. They call it “divisive rhetoric.” Although what could possibly be more divisive than the entire “Resist Movement” which has as its goal the removal of a duly elected president by any means necessary.

I guess to the left the only acceptable balance to the Democrat Jim Elliot column would be some Rhino Republican like Romney or the late John McCain. I for one am sick of the gutless lying Rhino Republicans who we have lately been forced to put up with. Thank God for Blaine Blackstone and his “tell it like it is column.”

In a county like Sanders which voted overwhelmingly for President Trump and the Republican party, it would be absurd to start banning conservative columns.

I write this letter with hesitation since I know and have hiked with the two writers of last weeks “Letters to the Editor, who along with myself are members of a local hiking club. I don’t know if the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” that seems to infect that hiking group will result in me being “shunned” from any further outings. However personal freedom and free speech are very dear to me and I will stand up against anyone to support those concepts.

Robert Cheshire,



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