Independently owned since 1905

Question: Why zoning?

Zoning protects the value of one’s property. For example, if I purchase a piece of property and maintain it - keep it free from unsightly debris as broken-down vehicles, storage of items, clutter, etc., it also projects my neighbors from varmints and possible accidents.

A community that enforces zoning laws, increases in value.

For example, zoning requires a community to constantly monitor changes its’ residents make via improvements. If I want to make a modification, I notify the Town Hall so that their building inspector can approve and evaluate such change. This change, depending upon its size, may or may not increase the value of the property. Property taxes partially fund town budgets.

The division of residential and business zoning requires reasonable discretion when applied to smaller communities, as those in Sanders County. It only requires a collaborative effort by townspeople who desire a harmonious and vibrant existence. It is my opinion that zoning laws give us an opportunity to experience a living environment that is based on transparency and understanding.

I would urge Sanders County and its communities to again consider implementing zoning laws.

Jean Morrison,



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