Independently owned since 1905

2019 Sanders County Fair - 4-H Results

Aldridge, Ben: Little Bitterroot: Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Corn hole boards, Woodworking, Unit 1, Any other item made from plans, books or resources, Blue; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Purple, Grand Champion Market Swine.

Aldridge, Lauryn: Little Bitterroot: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Purple; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Purple; coat rack, Woodworking, Unit 1, Any other item made from plans, books or resources, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Purple.

Bergstrom, Piper: South Side Sparks: Hummingbird feeding, Plains, MT. May 2019. Photography, Level 1, Any other related to Photography Level 1 project, Blue; Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 3 - Western, Red; Educational display. Horsemanship Western Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Horsemanship Western project, Blue; Shoshone Falls at Twin Falls, Idaho. July 2019. Photography, Level 1, 5X7 matted &/or framed, Level 1, Blue; Parrot at Hogle Zoo, Salt Lake City, UT. July 2019. Photography, Level 1, 8X10 matted &/or framed, Level 1, Purple; Horse Showmanship, Junior Horse Showmanship, Red; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Blue.

Berman, Dallas: Whitepine Happy Workers: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue; Swine Showmanship, Novice Junior Swine Showmanship (1st year Junior member in swine project), Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue.

Berman, Hunter: Whitepine Happy Workers: Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Swine Showmanship, Novice Junior Swine Showmanship (1st year Junior member in swine project), Purple, Reserve Champion Junior Novice Swine Showman; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red.

Bosker, Tate: Heron-Noxon Exlporers: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Red; Outdoor Adventures, Level 1, Display relating to Leave No Trace, Blue; Hiking Story, Outdoor Adventures, Level 1, Notebook or poster related to Outdoor Adventures Level 1 project area, Blue.

Buffo, Elanore, Little Bitterroot: Sheep, Sheep Market, Single Market lamb, Blue; Sheep, Sheep Interview, Sheep Market Interview, Blue, Top Sheep Junior Interview; Horse Showmanship, Beginner Horse Showmanship (1st or 2nd year in project), Red; Pencil drawing, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Drawing - Unit 2, Red; Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 1 - Western, Blue; Sheep, Sheep Showmanship, Junior Sheep Showmanship, Blue; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Blue.

Burk, Bethany: Whitepine Happy Workers: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red; Brownies, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 brownies made from scratch, Blue; Bald Eagle - Close up Framed, Photography, Level 1, Any other related to Photography Level 1 project, Purple; Family - Self Timer Framed, Photography, Level 1, Any other related to Photography Level 1 project, Blue; Puffin - Framed, Photography, Level 1, Any other related to Photography Level 1 project, Purple; Alaska - Scenery Framed, Photography, Level 1, Any other related to Photography Level 1 project, Blue; Fireweed - Still photo Framed, Photography, Level 1, Any other related to Photography Level 1 project, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Purple; Bear, Photography, Level 1, 8X10 matted &/or framed, Level 1, Purple; King Eider Duck-Drake, Photography, Level 1, 5X7 matted &/or framed, Level 1, Purple; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Blue.

Burk, Cody, Whitepine Happy Workers: Cow-calf pair - calf born current year, Beef Breeding, Cow-calf pair (calf born in current year), Blue; Beef Market, All breeds Market Blue; Beef Showmanship, Senior Beef Showmanship, Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Breeding Interview, Blue; Deck Chairs, Woodworking, Unit 3, Any other item made from plans, books or resources, Purple.

Chojnacky, Dane, Trout Creek Mavericks: Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Red; Swine Showmanship, Novice Senior Swine Showmanship (1st year Senior member in swine project), Red.

Chojnacky, Madison, Trout Creek Mavericks: Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 3 - Western, Red; Horsemanship, Western, Western Bareback Equitation (walk-trot), Blue; Horse Showmanship, Junior Horse Showmanship, Red; Beef Market, All breeds Market Red; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Blue; Beef Showmanship, Junior Beef Showmanship, Red.

Christensen, Kara, Hot Springs Wranglers: 3-5 black and white photos, Photography, Level 1, Black and White - 3 to 5 photos, Purple, Reserve Champion Junior; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Purple; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Junior Swine Showman; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Round Robin Reserve Champion Large Animal Showman.

Christensen, Katelyn, Hot Springs Wranglers: Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; 2 formal photos, Photography, Level 3, Top Junior Communication & Expressive Arts Exhibit, Say Cheese - 2 formal, Purple, Grand Champion Senior, Top Junior Communication & Expressive Arts Exhibit; Swine Showmanship, Senior Swine Showmanship, Purple, Reserve Champion Senior Swine Showman; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Purple.

Cook, Jayden, South Side Sparks: 3 slices French toast, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 slices French toast, Blue; ed poster on cricket behavior, Entomology, Unit 1, Educational display or poster on cricket behavior & communication - Entomology Level 1, Red; sugar cookies, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Sugar cookies, Red; hot cocoa mix, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 1 cup hot cocoa mix in container, Red; 3 no bake cookies, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 no bake cookies made from scratch, Blue; cereal bars, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 cereal bars made from scratch, Red; oatmeal cookies, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Oatmeal cookies, Blue; chocolate chip cookies, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Chocolate chip cookies, Blue; 3 cookies, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 cookies cooked from scratch, Blue.

Cook, Melodie, South Side Sparks: 9 patch quilt item, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Nine-patch quilt-art crafts- Unit 6, Red; 3 cookies from scratch, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 cookies cooked from scratch, Blue; cutting and pasting, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Cutting and pasting -Unit 1, Red; drawing, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Drawing - Unit 2, Red; first aid kit, Outdoor Adventures, Level 1, First aid kit you made for a day hike, Blue; brushes, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Brushing up -Unit 3, Red; painting, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Painting -Unit 3, Red; applesauce, Food & Nutrition, Food Preservation, Applesauce made with boiling water canner, Blue; prints from the garden, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Prints from the garden - Unit 5, Blue; other item - food preservation, Food & Nutrition, Food Preservation, Any other item related to Food Preservation project, Blue; chocolate chip cookies, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Chocolate chip cookies, Blue; pickled vegetable, Food & Nutrition, Food Preservation, Any pickled vegetable in boiling water canner, Blue; Oatmeal, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Oatmeal cookies, Blue; cereal bars, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 cereal bars made from scratch, Blue; poster on insect communication, Entomology, Unit 1, Educational display or poster on insect communication - Entomology Level 1, Blue; no bake cookies, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 no bake cookies made from scratch, Blue; painting with mixed colors, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Spinning the color wheel of fortune -Unit 3, Blue; marbling, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Marbling swirls -Unit 3, Red; poster, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Display or poster showing basic kitchen equipment, Blue; sculpting, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Sculpting -Unit 4, Blue; Hot Cocoa m ix, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 1 cup hot cocoa mix in container, Red; drawing, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Go drawing go - Unit 2, Red; homemade paper, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Homemade paper- Unit 6, Blue; marshmallow catapult, Robotics, Junk Drawer, Level 1, Marshmallow Catapult, Blue; 2-D drawing, Robotics, Junk Drawer, Level 1, 2-D Drawing, Red; canned salsa, Food & Nutrition, Food Preservation, Food preserved in boiling water canner, Blue; sugar cookies, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Sugar cookies, Blue; all fingers, thumbs, hands, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, All fingers, thumbs, and hands - Unit 5, Red; display on insect eye, Entomology, Unit 1, Educational display or poster on the insect eye - Entomology Level 1, Blue; poster on cricket behavior, Entomology, Unit 1, Educational display or poster on cricket behavior & communication - Entomology Level 1, Blue; robot arm, Robotics, Junk Drawer, Level 1, Robot Arm, Blue; family photo stories, Family Adventures, Photo stories, Blue; 3-D image of an item, Robotics, Junk Drawer, Level 1, 3-D Image of an item, Red; paper mache, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, paper mache -Unit 4, Blue; scissor snipping, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Scissors snipping - Unit 1, Red; salsa, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 1 cup salsa, Blue; eating insects poster, Entomology, Unit 1, Educational display or poster on eating insects - Entomology Level 1, Blue; painting with paper and glue, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Painting with paper & milk glue -Unit 1, Blue; pancakes, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 pancakes made from scratch, Red; applesauce, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 1 cup applesauce, Blue; pancake, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Pancake, Red; brownies, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 brownies made from scratch, Blue; french toast, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 slices French toast, Red; ordinary objects and creatures, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Ordinary objects, extraordinary creatures - Unit 2, Red; muffins, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 muffins from scratch, no paper liners, Blue; jam, Food & Nutrition, Food Preservation, Jam made in boiling water canner, Blue.

Cook, Mikiah, South Side Sparks: photo story, Photography, Level 1, Photo story - 3 to 5 photos, Blue; shaped cookies, Food & Nutrition, Baking 102, Shaped cookies, Red; display about conttontail rabbit, Wildlife, Level 1, Wildlife educational display about a featured species, Level 1, Blue; ordinary objects and creatures, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Ordinary objects, extraordinary creatures - Unit 2, Red; painting with paper and glue, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Painting with paper & milk glue -Unit 1, Blue; scissor snipping, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Scissors snipping - Unit 1, Red; photo matted and/or framed, Photography, Level 1, 5X7 matted &/or framed, Level 1, Blue; papier mache, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Paper mache -Unit 4, Red; Dog, Dog Showmanship, Junior Dog Showmanship, Red; painting with fingers, hands, and feet, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, All fingers, thumbs, and hands - Unit 5, Blue; Dog, Dog, Agility Level 1 - on leash, Purple, Grand Champion Junior; photo story of time spent with my family, Family Adventures, Photo stories, Blue; drawing, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Go drawing go - Unit 2, Red; homemade paper, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Homemade paper- Unit 6, Blue; Dog, Dog Toy, Dog Non-Animal, Any other item related to Dog project, Purple; Dog, poster, Dog Non-Animal, Poster related to Dog project, Purple; marbled painting, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Marbling swirls -Unit 3, Red; sculpting, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Sculpting -Unit 4, Blue; shadows, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Smokey, spooky shadows - Unit 2, Red; Dog, Dog, Junior Rally Obedience, Blue, Reserve Champion Junior, Grand Champion Dog Agility; a painting with mixed colors, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Spinning the color wheel of fortune -Unit 3, Blue; 3 snicker doodles, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 201, 3 snicker doodle cookies, Blue; prints from the garden, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Prints from the garden - Unit 5, Blue; Dog, Dog Interview, Dog Interview, Purple, Top Junior Dog Interview; quick bread, Food & Nutrition, Baking 102, Any quick bread, Purple; painting, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Painting -Unit 3, Blue; first aid kit for a day hike, Outdoor Adventures, Level 1, First aid kit you made for a day hike, Blue; painting without brushes, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Brushing up -Unit 3, Blue; drawing, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Drawing - Unit 2, Red; 9 patch quilt art, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Nine-patch quilt-art crafts- Unit 6, Blue; cutting and pasting, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Cutting and pasting -Unit 1, Red; zucchini brownies, Food & Nutrition, Baking 102, Brownies, Purple.

Cox, Presley, Trout Creek Mavericks: Cat, cat cage decorated, Cat Non-Animal, Decorated cage, Purple; poster of baking equipment, Food & Nutrition, Baking 102, Display related to baking equipment, Red; Cat, Cat, Adult, short hair, Purple, Top Overall Cat; gun holster, Leathercraft, Unit 2, Any other item related to Leathercraft Unit 2 project, Purple; reins, Leathercraft, Unit 2, Any other item related to Leathercraft Unit 2 project, Blue; Dairy 24 to under 36 months old - Senior Doe (has kidded), Blue, Grand Champion Dairy Goat; 2 Rhode island reds, 2 hens, American breed, Blue; Poultry Showmanship, Senior Poultry Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Senior Poultry Showman; Pack Intermediate Pack, Blue; flash 3 photos, Photography, Level 1, Flash for More Light - 3 photos, Blue; poster, Leathercraft, Unit 2, Ed display or poster related to Leathercraft Unit 2, Red; 1 dozen brown eggs, Poultry Non-Animal, One dozen eggs, Purple; brownies, Food & Nutrition, Baking 102, Brownies, Blue; dead head corner stand, Woodworking, Unit 4, Any other item related to Woodworking Unit 4 project, Purple; pig hanger, Woodworking, Unit 4, Any other item related to Woodworking Unit 4 project, Blue; Goat Showmanship, Senior Goat Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Senior Goat Showman; Dairy 36 to under 48 months old - Senior Doe (has kidded), Blue; Cat, Cat Showmanship, Senior Cat Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Senior Cat Showman; 8x10 framed photo, Photography, Level 1, 8X10 matted &/or framed, Level 1, Red; Bench, Woodworking, Unit 4, Any other item made from plans, books or resources, Blue; Cat, poster of cat parts, Cat Non-Animal, Ed display on parts of a cat, Blue; banana bread, Food & Nutrition, Baking 102, Banana nut bread, Red; poster, Gardening, Level D, Exhibit related to Tight on Space, Red; poster on gardening, Gardening, Level D, Any other exhibit related to Gardening, Level D, Red; shadows 5 photos, Photography, Level 1, Fun with Shadows - 5 photos, Purple; chicken snagging stick, Poultry Non-Animal, Piece of homemade poultry equipment, Blue; Dairy Yearling 12-24 months old - Senior Doe (has kidded), Blue; Poultry Interview, Poultry interview, Purple, Grand Champion, Top Poultry Interview; 5x7 photo framed, Photography, Level 1, 5X7 matted &/or framed, Level 1, Purple; what's the point 3 photos, Photography, Level 1, What's the Point - 3 photos showing focal points, Red; Cat, Cat Interview, Cat interview, Purple, Top Cat Interview; keep level 6 photos, Photography, Level 1, Keep it Steady, Keep it Level Display - 6 photos, Blue; poster, Woodworking, Unit 4, Ed display related to Woodworking Unit 4 project, Red; still photo, dog, Photography, Level 1, Any other related to Photography Level 1 project, Purple; 3-5 black and white photos, Photography, Level 1, Black and White - 3 to 5 photos, Blue; poster- goat predators, Goat Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Goat project, Red; Goat Interview, Dairy Goat Interview, Purple; photo story, Photography, Level 1, Photo story - 3 to 5 photos, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Red; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Red; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Purple; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue; Goat Showmanship, Junior Goat Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Junior Goat Showman; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Purple, Top Junior Horse Interview; Educational English Horse Poster, Horsemanship English Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Horsemanship English project, Blue; Educational Western Horse Poster, Horsemanship Western Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Horsemanship Western project, Blue; Horse Interview, Horsemanship English Interview, Purple; Meat Goat Market, Single Market Goat - all breeds, Purple, Grand Champion Market Goat; Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 1 - Western, Blue; Educational Goat Poster, Goat Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Goat project, Blue; Horsemanship, English, Horsemanship 1 - English, Blue; Horse Showmanship, Junior Horse Showmanship, Blue, Reserve Champion, Reserve Champion Junior Horse Showman; Goat Interview, Market Goat Interview, Blue; Thomas McDonald Memorial Award; Sheep Spirit Award; Dairy Kid Under 12 months - Junior Doe (has not kidded), Blue; Sheep, Sheep Showmanship, Senior Sheep Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Senior Showman; Sheep, Sheep Market, Single Market lamb, Purple, Reserve Champion Market Lamb; Sheep, Educational Market Sheep Poster, Sheep Non-Animal, Ed display/poster related to Sheep Market project, Blue; Goat Showmanship, Senior Goat Showmanship, Purple, Reserve Champion Senior Goat Showman; Sheep, Sheep Interview, Top Sheep Senior Interview, Sheep Market Interview, Purple, Top Sheep Senior Interview; Horse Interview, Horsemanship English Interview, Blue; Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 3 - Western, Red; Educational Western Horse Poster, Horsemanship Western Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Horsemanship Western project, Purple; Horsemanship, English, Horsemanship 2 - English, Blue; Sheep, Sheep Breeding, Ewe lamb, Purple; Horsemanship, Western, Western Bareback Equitation (walk-trot), Purple; Sheep, Sheep Interview, Sheep Breeding Interview, Purple; Sheep, Educational fleece display, Sheep Non-Animal, Fleece from meat breed, Blue; Goat Interview, Dairy Goat Interview, Purple; Educational English Horse Poster, Horsemanship English Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Horsemanship English project, Purple; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Blue; Poster, Goat Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Goat project, Purple; Horse Showmanship, Senior Horse Showmanship, Blue.

Craik, Taylinn, Whitepine Happy Workers: Goat Showmanship, Junior Goat Showmanship, Purple, Reserve Champion Junior Goat Showman; Meat Goat Market, Single Market Goat - all breeds, Blue; Poster, Goat Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Goat project, Blue; Goat Interview, Top Goat/Llama Interview, Market Goat Interview, Purple. Top Goat/Llama Interview

Crain, Brooklynn, South Side Sparks: Horse Showmanship, Beginner Horse Showmanship (1st or 2nd year in project), Red; Corn meal muffins, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Cornmeal muffins, Red; Pillowcase, Sewing & Textiles, Level 1, Pillow case with band, Level 1, Blue; Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 1 - Western, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Swine Showmanship, Novice Junior Swine Showmanship (1st year Junior member in swine project), Blue; Pajama pants, Sewing & Textiles, Level 1, Pajama pants, Level 1, Blue, Reserve Champion Junior; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Blue.

Croft, Benjamin, Thompson Falls Mountaineers: Grant writing, Leadership, Poster or display highlighting an area of your leadership project, Purple.

Ekberg, Joshua, Whitepine Happy Workers: Jewelry box, Woodworking, Unit 1, Any other item related to Woodworking Unit 1 project, Blue.

Etienne, Jaisynn, Heron-Noxon Exlporers: My critter's name is Flower Beetle. It's made with foam balls and pipe cleaners. Cloverbuds, Book A - Create a Critter, MultiColor; This habitat is where the Flower Beetle lives, Canada. It is made from a shoe box and other materials. Cloverbuds, Book A - Create a Habitat, MultiColor; There was a baby tree starting to grow out of a fallen tree. Cloverbuds, Photography display/poster, MultiColor.

Fairbank, Annalise, Whitepine Happy Workers: A poster board describing the outdoor adventure and each family members role, Family Adventures, Top Junior Family & Consumer Sciences Interview, Outdoor Adventure, Purple, Grand Champion Junior, Top Junior Family & Consumer Sciences Interview; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue.

Fairbank, Audrey, Whitepine Happy Workers: Green Anole in a glass tank, Pocket Pets Interview, Interview with pocket pet present, Blue.

Fisher, Natasha, Trout Creek Mavericks: Goat Interview, Breeding Goat Interview, Blue; Meat Goat Breeding, Pygmy Blue; curtains, Sewing & Textiles, Level 2, Any item made from a pattern, Level 2, Purple; horse cameo, Visual Arts, Drawing, Fiber, Any other exhibit related to Sketchbook Crossroads art project, Red; I have my eyes on you, Visual Arts, Drawing, Fiber, Any other exhibit related to Sketchbook Crossroads art project, Blue; chipmunk, Visual Arts, Drawing, Fiber, Any other exhibit related to Sketchbook Crossroads art project, Blue; loki, Visual Arts, Drawing, Fiber, Any other exhibit related to Sketchbook Crossroads art project, Blue; skull with roses, Visual Arts, Drawing, Fiber, Any other exhibit related to Sketchbook Crossroads art project, Blue; Pack Beginning Pack, Blue; Goat Showmanship, Junior Goat Showmanship, Red.

Foster, Tucker, Little Bitterroot: saddle rack, Woodworking, Unit 3, Any other item made from plans, books or resources, Blue; Beef Market, All breeds Market Blue; Beef Showmanship, Senior Beef Showmanship, Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue.

Foyil, Lucy, Whitepine Happy Workers: Barnwood Hanging picture frame, Woodworking, Unit 1, Any other item made from plans, books or resources, Blue; Rabbit, Rabbit Lightweight Standard Breeds, Overall Top Rabbit, Senior Buck, 8 months & over, Purple, Grand Champion Rabbit, Overall Top Rabbit; Photo collage of fishing trips with family, Sport Fishing, Unit 1, Photo story of your project in Sport Fishing Unit 1, Blue; Rabbit, Rabbit Interview, Rabbit interview, Blue, Top Rabbit Junior Interview; Rabbit, Rabbit Showmanship, Junior Rabbit Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Junior Rabbit Showman; Matted/Framed photo of choice, Photography, Level 1, 8X10 matted &/or framed, Level 1, Blue; Decorated Sugar Cookies, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Sugar cookies, Purple, Reserve Champion Junior; Matted/Framed photo of choice, Photography, Level 1, 5X7 matted &/or framed, Level 1, Blue.

Frields, Faith, Whitepine Happy Workers: Horse Interview, Colt to Maturity Western Horse Interview, Purple; Horse Colt to Maturity, 3 year old, Level 3 - Western, Blue; Beef Market, All breeds Market Red; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Beef Showmanship, Senior Beef Showmanship, Blue; Horse Showmanship, Reserve Champion Senior Horse Showman, Senior Horse Showmanship, Blue, Reserve Champion, Reserve Champion Senior Horse Showman.

Goode, Boston, Little Bitterroot: Fishing Net, Woodworking, Independent Study, any other item related to Woodworking Independent Study project, Red; Beef Showmanship, Senior Beef Showmanship, Red; Beef Market, All breeds Market Red; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue.

Guenzler, Coby, Little Bitterroot: Beef Market, All breeds Market Purple, Grand Champion Market Beef; 2-year-old Red Angus cow with bull calf, Beef Breeding, Cow-calf pair (calf born in current year), Purple; Beef Showmanship, Senior Beef Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Senior Beef Showman; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Purple, Top Beef Senior Interview; Poster display of Jr Red Angus Roundup trip to Texas, Beef Non-Animal, Ed display/poster related to Beef Breeding project, Blue; Red Angus bull calf, Beef Breeding, Junior bull, under 10 months, Purple; Beef Interview, Top Senior Beef/Dairy Interview, Beef Breeding Interview, Blue, Top Senior Beef/Dairy Interview; Red Angus, Beef Breeding, Senior yearling heifer (born Jan 1 to May 31 of previous year), Purple; Red Angus, Beef Breeding, Junior cow, 2 years and under 3 (must have calved), Purple, Reserve Champion Beef Breeding.

Hafner, Anna, South Side Sparks: Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Beef Showmanship, Senior Beef Showmanship, Blue; Beef Market, All breeds Market Purple, Reserve Champion Market Beef.

Hafner, Cody, South Side Sparks: Beef Market, All breeds Market Purple; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Bred Yearling Heifer, Beef Breeding, Senior yearling heifer (born Jan 1 to May 31 of previous year), Purple, Grand Champion Beef Breeding; Beef Interview, Beef Breeding Interview, Blue; Beef Showmanship, Junior Beef Showmanship, Blue.

Hafner, Gavin, South Side Sparks: Beef Showmanship, Junior Beef Showmanship, Red; Beef Interview, Beef Breeding Interview, Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Beef Market, All breeds Market Purple.

Hansen, Austin, South Side Sparks: Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Red; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Red; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue; heat stress reduction reasons and techniques, Swine Non-Animal, Ed display/poster related to Swine Market project, Blue.

Hansen, Cody, South Side Sparks: alternative uses for swine manure, Swine Non-Animal, Ed display/poster related to Swine Market project, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Swine Showmanship, Senior Swine Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Senior Swine Showman.

Hanson, Jim, South Side Sparks: Rhode island reds, 2 hens, any cross breed or hybrid, Blue; Dog, Dog Showmanship, Junior Dog Showmanship, Blue; Poultry Interview, Poultry interview, Blue; Dog, Dog, Junior Rally Obedience, Red; Dog, Dog Interview, Dog Interview, Blue; Dog, Dog, Agility Level 2 - off leash, Red; Poultry Showmanship, Junior Poultry Showmanship, Blue.

Henry, Brian, Whitepine Happy Workers: Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Beef Showmanship, Senior Beef Showmanship, Red.

Horner, Brianna, Trout Creek Mavericks: Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Brushing up -Unit 3, Red; Rabbit, Rabbit - Meat, Single roaster, Purple; Photography, Level 1, Photography With Your Feet - 3 photos at different distances, Blue; Rabbit, Rabbit Showmanship, Junior Rabbit Showmanship, Red; Rabbit, Rabbit Interview, Rabbit interview, Blue; Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Spinning the color wheel of fortune -Unit 3, Blue; Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Marbling swirls -Unit 3, Red; Photography, Level 1, Fun with Shadows - 5 photos, Blue; Rabbit, Rabbit Heavy Standard Breed, Junior Doe, under 6 months, Blue; Photography, Level 1, Keep it Steady, Keep it Level Display - 6 photos, Blue; Photography, Level 1, What's the Point - 3 photos showing focal points, Red; Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Sponge fun - Unit 5, Red; Photography, Level 1, What Do You See - 5 photos, Red; Photography, Level 1, Black and White - 3 to 5 photos, Red; Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Pots potpourri -Unit 4, Blue; Rabbit, Rabbit Dwarf Breeds, Junior Doe, under 6 months, Blue.

Horner, Vanessa, Trout Creek Mavericks: Rabbit, Rabbit Dwarf Breeds, Junior Doe, under 6 months, Red; Photography, Level 3, 5X7 matted &/or framed, Level 3, Blue; Graphic Design Print, Visual Arts, Painting, Printing, Top Senior Communication & Expressive Arts Exhibit, Any other exhibit related to Portfolio Pathways art project, Purple, Top Senior Communication & Expressive Arts Exhibit; Rabbit, Rabbit Heavy Standard Breed, Junior Doe, under 6 months, Purple; Visual Arts, Painting, Printing, , Create two or more sample drawings using the drawing and painting tools on a computer, Red; Dog, Dog, Senior Rally Obedience, Red; Visual Arts, Painting, Printing, , A self-portrait you created using a computer, Blue; Photography, Level 3, Special Effects - 3 photos with different filters, Blue; Rabbit, Rabbit Dwarf Breeds, Junior Buck, under 6 months, Blue; Photography, Level 3, Reflections - 2 reflection photos, Purple; Rabbit, Rabbit Showmanship, Senior Rabbit Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Senior Rabbit Showman; Photography, Level 3, Expression through Color - 3 photos that illustrate monochromatic, contrasting, Purple; Visual Arts, Painting, Printing, A print as a result of a graphic design you created, Purple, Reserve Champion Senior; Rabbit, Rabbit Interview, Rabbit interview, Blue, Top Rabbit Senior Interview; Photography, Level 3, Details, Details! - 3 to 5 photos highlighting details, Blue; Rabbit, Rabbit Heavy Standard Breed, Reserve Champion Rabbit, Senior Doe, 8 months & over, Purple; Photography, Level 3, Out in the Light - up to 4 photos without flash, Purple, Reserve Champion Senior, Reserve Champion Rabbit; Dog, Dog Showmanship, Senior Dog Showmanship, Blue, Grand Champion Senior Dog Showman; Dog, Dog Interview, Top Senior Dog Interview, Dog Interview, Blue, Top Senior Dog Interview; Dog, Dog, Agility Level 2 - off leash, Red; Rabbit, Rabbit Heavy Standard Breed, Senior Buck, 8 months & over, Purple; Visual Arts, Painting, Printing, , A portfolio you created of advertisements, shopping bags, labels and hand tags that demonstrate the elements & principles of design, Blue; Rabbit, Rabbit - Meat, Single roaster, Purple; Photography, Level 3, Harmony or Discord - 4 photos that break the rules of composition, Purple; Visual Arts, Painting, Printing, , Watercolor painting, Red; Rabbit, Rabbit Heavy Standard Breed, Junior Buck, under 6 months, Blue; Photography, Level 3, 8X10 matted &/or framed, Level 3, Blue.

Hutchins, Jacob, South Side Sparks: Sheep, Sheep Market, Single Market lamb, Purple, Grand Champion Market Lamb; Sheep, Sheep Interview, Sheep Market Interview, Blue; Bead demo, Welding - General, Any other item related to General Welding project, Red; Welding - Oxy Acetylene, Welded sculpture, Red; Welding - Oxy Acetylene, Butt joint, Red; Portfolio of drawings, Visual Arts, Drawing, Fiber, Any other exhibit related to Sketchbook Crossroads art project, Blue; Wood Sign, Visual Arts, Drawing, Fiber, Any other exhibit related to Sketchbook Crossroads art project, Blue; Sheep, Sheep Showmanship, Junior Sheep Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Junior Showman.

Jackson, Brooke, Hot Springs Wranglers: Beef Showmanship, Junior Beef Showmanship, Purple, Reserve Champion Junior Beef Showman; Beef Interview, Top Junior Beef/Dairy Interview, Beef Breeding Interview, Purple, Top Junior Beef/Dairy Interview; WMSA Heifer, Beef Breeding, Senior yearling heifer (born Jan 1 to May 31 of previous year), Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Purple, Top Beef Junior Interview; Bird House, Woodworking, Unit 1, Any other item made from plans, books or resources, Blue; Beef Market, All breeds Market Purple.

Jackson, Sage, Hot Springs Wranglers: Beef Market, All breeds Market Purple; Bench, Woodworking, Unit 1, Any other item made from plans, books or resources, Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Beef Showmanship, Senior Beef Showmanship, Purple.

Jackson, Sydney, Hot Springs Wranglers: Beef Showmanship, Round Robin Grand Champion Large Animal Showman, Senior Beef Showmanship, Purple, Reserve Champion Senior Beef Showman, Round Robin Grand Champion Large Animal Showman; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Beef Market, All breeds Market Blue; heifer, Beef Breeding, Senior yearling heifer (born Jan 1 to May 31 of previous year), Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Breeding Interview, Blue.

Leisz, Jonah, Trout Creek Mavericks: Swine Showmanship, Novice Junior Swine Showmanship (1st year Junior member in swine project), Purple, Grand Champion Junior Novice Swine Showman

; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue.

Leisz, Lillian, Trout Creek Mavericks: Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 1 - Western, Blue; Cat, Cat Interview, Cat interview, Blue; Scrapbook Displaying Summer of 2019 Activities in which I participated myself and with my family. My Scrapbook will be named Summer 2019. Scrapbooking, Scrapbook using a central theme, Purple, Grand Champion Junior; Horse Showmanship, Beginner Horse Showmanship (1st or 2nd year in project), Red; Cat, Cat Showmanship, Junior Cat Showmanship, Blue; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Purple.

Lien, Clint, Little Bitterroot: Beef Showmanship, Junior Beef Showmanship, Blue; Beef Market, All breeds Market Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Boot Jack, Welding - Stick/Wire, Any other item related to Stick/Wire Welding project, Blue; Boot Rack, Welding - Stick/Wire, Fabricated item, Blue.

Lien, Laci, Little Bitterroot: Food & Nutrition, Cooking 301, 1 tea ring, Blue; Beef Showmanship, Senior Beef Showmanship, Blue; Food & Nutrition, Cooking 301, 3 yeast rolls, Blue; Apple Pie, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 301, Top Senior Health Exhibit, Any other item related to Cooking 301 project, Purple, Reserve Champion Senior, Top Senior Health Exhibit; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Purple; Beef Market, All breeds Market Red.

McAllister, Jack, Hot Springs Wranglers: Beef Market, All breeds Market Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Beef Showmanship, Senior Beef Showmanship, Red; home decor, Horse Ranch Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Ranch Horse project, Purple; Horse Interview, Horse Ranch Interview, Purple.

McAllister, Nick, Hot Springs Wranglers: Horse Interview, Horse Ranch Interview, Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Beef Market, All breeds Market Blue; Beef Showmanship, Junior Beef Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Junior Beef Showman.

McNaughton, Riley, Heron-Noxon Exlporers: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red; huckleberry muffins, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Plain muffins, Red; huckleberry pancake, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Pancake, Red; Swine Showmanship, Novice Junior Swine Showmanship (1st year Junior member in swine project), Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Purple.

Morton, Isabel, Hot Springs Wranglers: Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; machine pieced blue monkey kids quilt, Quilting, Patchwork, Appliqué Beginning Quilt Quest, Level 1, Pieced, machine quilted, baby or lap size, Level 1, Red; winter hat, Sewing & Textiles, Level 2, Polar fleece item, Level 2, Blue, Reserve Champion Senior; Swine Showmanship, Senior Swine Showmanship, Red; photo of a bird, Photography, Level 2, 5X7 matted &/or framed, Level 2, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red.

Morton, Russell, Hot Springs Wranglers: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red; Swine Showmanship, Senior Swine Showmanship, Red; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Visual Arts, Drawing, Fiber, Drawing designed with pen or ink, Red.

Murray, Jaedyn, Heron-Noxon Exlporers: Beef Showmanship, Senior Beef Showmanship, Red; 20-month-old Black Angus Heifer, Beef Breeding, Yearling heifer 20-23 months old (have not calved), Blue; Poultry Showmanship, Senior Poultry Showmanship, Purple, Reserve Champion Senior Poultry Showman; a 5x7 page with embellishments, Scrapbooking, Scrapbook page(s) that highlights using embellishments, Blue; this year's project manual, Veterinary Science, Unit 1, Project manual From Airedales to Zebras, Blue; 3 Homemade cereal bars, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 cereal bars made from scratch, Blue; no bakes, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 no bake cookies made from scratch, Blue; 8x10 scrapbook page, Scrapbooking, Framed scrapbook page, Blue; Dairy, Dairy Interview, Dairy Interview, Blue; Dairy, Homemade Butter, Dairy Non-Animal, Any other item related to dairy project, Blue; pancakes, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 3 pancakes made from scratch, Red; Beef Interview, Beef Breeding Interview, Blue; This is my notebook from my Veterinary Science class this year, Veterinary Science, Unit 1, Notebook related to Vet Science, Unit 1 project, Purple, Grand Champion Senior; Poultry Interview, Poultry interview, Blue; Poultry Market, Meat pen of 3 chickens, Purple; Hot cocoa mix from scratch, Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 1 cup hot cocoa mix in container, Blue; a scrapbook page of my sister and I's last year of sports together, Scrapbooking, Scrapbook page(s) that show mounting photos creatively, Blue; Train, Photography, Level 2, 8X10 matted &/or framed, Level 2, Blue.

Murray, Shane, Heron-Noxon Exlporers: Peanut Butter cookies, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Any other item related to Baking 101 project, Blue; Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 1 pocket sandwich, Blue; Woodworking, Unit 1, Letter holder, Blue; Photo story poster of a hike, Outdoor Adventures, Level 1, Any other item related to Outdoor Adventures Level 1 project, Blue; Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 1 cup applesauce, Blue; Woodworking, Unit 1, Picture frame, Blue; Food & Nutrition, Cooking 101, 1 8X8 pan fruit crisp, Blue; Small Engines, Unit 1, Display of basic tools needed to maintain a small engine, Blue; Outdoor Adventures, Level 1, Project manual Hiking Trails, Blue; Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Oatmeal cookies, Red; Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Chocolate chip cookies, Red; Outdoor Adventures, Level 1, First aid kit you made for a day hike, Blue.

Nagy, Coyle, Little Bitterroot: educational poster, Veterinary Science, Unit 1, Ed poster related to Vet Science, Unit 1 project, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Purple; Swine Showmanship, Senior Swine Showmanship, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Purple, Reserve Champion Market Swine.

Neesvig, Hattie, Whitepine Happy Workers: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue; Hummingbird, Visual Arts, Painting, Printing, , Acrylic painting, Purple, Grand Champion Junior; Cupcake, Food & Nutrition, Baking 102, Top Junior Health Exhibit, Top Junior Health Interview, Any other item related to Baking 102 project, Purple, Top Junior Health Exhibit, Top Junior Health Interview; Turtle, Visual Arts, Drawing, Fiber, Any other exhibit related to Sketchbook Crossroads art project, Red; Lizard, Visual Arts, Painting, Printing, , Any other exhibit related to Portfolio Pathways art project, Blue; Jellyfish, Visual Arts, Painting, Printing, Any other exhibit related to Portfolio Pathways art project, Blue; Swine Interview, Top Junior Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Purple; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Purple; Wine pour, Visual Arts, Painting, Printing, Painting conveying action, Blue; Green & Blue Polka Dot Dress, Sewing & Textiles, Level 2, Any item made from a pattern, Level 2, Purple, Grand Champion Junior.

Neesvig, Josey, Whitepine Happy Workers: Thomas Farrier Memorial Swine Spirt Award; Swine Interview, Top Senior Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Purple; Swine Showmanship, Senior Swine Showmanship, Blue; Tiki, Woodworking, Unit 2, Any other item related to Woodworking Unit 2 project, Purple; name sign, Woodworking, Unit 2, Any other item related to Woodworking Unit 2 project, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Purple.

Neesvig, Marley, Whitepine Happy Workers: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red; Smoky Bear Quilt, Quilting, Patchwork, Appliqué Beginning Quilt Quest, Level 1, Quilt using combination of techniques, Level 1, Blue; Best of... Photography, Level 1, 8X10 matted &/or framed, Level 1, Purple; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; 3D Turtle, Visual Arts, Drawing, Fiber, Any other exhibit related to Sketchbook Crossroads art project, Blue; Glacier National Park; Pencil on canvas, painted, Visual Arts, Drawing, Fiber, Any other exhibit related to Sketchbook Crossroads art project, Blue; Gadget Bag, Quilting, Patchwork, Appliqué Beginning Quilt Quest, Level 1, Any other item related to Quilt Quest Level 1 project, Purple, Grand Champion Junior; Skateboard, Woodworking, Unit 1, Any other item made from plans, books or resources, Blue; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Purple.

Nygaard, Solveig, Whitepine Happy Workers: Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue; Carrot cake and cupcakes, garden theme, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Any other item related to Baking 101 project, Purple, Grand Champion Junior.

Nygaard, Theodor, Whitepine Happy Workers: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Autonomous sumo wrestling robot, Robotics 1 with EV3, A robot you have built and programmed, Purple, Grand Champion Junior; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Blue; Corn hole set, Woodworking, Unit 1, Any other item made from plans, books or resources, Purple.

Page, Jody, Little Bitterroot: Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Red; PVC potato gun, Self-Determined Non-Agricultural, Any other item related to Self-Determined Non-Agricultural project, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red.

Pallister, Anna, Thompson Falls Mountaineers: Hope for Harlee Cake; Air brush, sculpture, fondant techniques, Cake Decorating, Level 1, Top Junior Cake Decorating Exhibit, Top Junior Cake Decorating Interview, Any other item using level one cake decorating skills, Purple, Grand Champion Junior; Dog, Dog Showmanship, Junior Dog Showmanship, Blue, Reserve Champion Junior Dog Showman; Dog, Dog, Junior Rally Obedience, Red; Dog, Dog, Reserve Champion Dog Agility, Agility Level 2 - off leash, Purple; Dog, Dog Interview, Top Senior Dog Interview, Dog Interview, Purple.

Parker, Garth, Trout Creek Mavericks: Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Purple; Brownies - no nuts, Food & Nutrition, Baking 102, Brownies, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red.

Peters, Allan, Little Bitterroot: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Pig feeder, Woodworking, Unit 1, Any other item related to Woodworking Unit 1 project, Purple; Swine Showmanship, Senior Swine Showmanship, Red.

Riffle, Trinity, Thompson Falls Mountaineers: Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Chocolate drop cookies, Blue; Photography, Level 1, Birds or Bugs Eye View - 4 photos, Blue; Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Chocolate chip cookies, Blue; Photography, Level 1, Black and White - 3 to 5 photos, Blue.

Robinson, Mackenzie, Thompson Falls Mountaineers: 8x10 photo, Photography, Level 2, 8X10 matted &/or framed, Level 2, Blue; 5x7 photo, Photography, Level 2, 5X7 matted &/or framed, Level 2, Purple, Grand Champion Junior; Button Art, Visual Arts, Arts & Crafts, Any other exhibit related to A Palette of Fun Arts & Crafts, Purple, Reserve Champion Junior.

Ryan, Brock, South Side Sparks: Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Red; Rabbit, Rabbit Heavy Standard Breed, Senior Buck, 8 months & over, Red; Rabbit, Rabbit Showmanship, Overall Top Rabbit, Junior Rabbit Showmanship, Blue, Reserve Champion Junior Rabbit Showman; Rabbit, Rabbit Interview, Rabbit interview, Red; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red.

Ryan, Hondo, South Side Sparks: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Red; Swine Showmanship, Senior Swine Showmanship, Blue.

Ryan, Remington, South Side Sparks: Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Red; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Red; Rabbit, Rabbit Heavy Standard Breed, Senior Doe, 8 months & over, Blue; Rabbit, Rabbit Interview, Rabbit interview, Red; Rabbit, Rabbit Showmanship, Junior Rabbit Showmanship, Red; Rabbit, Rabbit Heavy Standard Breed, Senior Buck, 8 months & over, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red.

Ryan, Spur, South Side Sparks: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Red.

Sheehan, Deriyan, South Side Sparks: Horse Interview, Horsemanship English Interview, Purple; Me and My Horse Colt to Maturity Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Colt to Maturity project, Red; Horse Interview, Colt to Maturity Western Horse Interview, Purple, Top Senior Horse Interview; Me and My Horsemanship Western Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Horsemanship Western project, Red; Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 5 - Western, Purple; Horsemanship, Western, Western Bareback Equitation (open), Purple; Horsemanship, English, Horsemanship 4 - English Hunter Hack, Purple; Horse Colt to Maturity, Yearling colt, Level 1 - Western, Purple; Horse Showmanship, Grand Champion Senior Horse Showman, Round Robin Reserve Champion Large Animal Senior Showman, Senior Horse Showmanship, Purple; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Purple.

Silva, Aiden, South Side Sparks: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue; Swine Showmanship, Novice Junior Swine Showmanship (1st year Junior member in swine project), Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue.

Starika, Kennedy, South Side Sparks: Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 1 - Western, Purple; Horse Showmanship, Beginner Horse Showmanship (1st or 2nd year in project), Blue; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Blue.

Stevens, Grayson, Trout Creek Mavericks: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red; Hamster project, Pocket Pets Interview, Interview with pocket pet present, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Purple; Swine Showmanship, Novice Junior Swine Showmanship (1st year Junior member in swine project), Blue; Poster board with pictures of cooking together, Family Adventures, Cooking together, Blue.

Stevens, Noa, Trout Creek Mavericks: Fishing trips with my family, Family Adventures, Top Junior Family & Consumer Sciences Exhibit, Photo stories, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Fishing log with pictures, Sport Fishing, Unit 1, Display of your fishing log or casting record, Red; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Purple; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue.

Stratford, Boone, South Side Sparks: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Red; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue.

Stratford, Holly, South Side Sparks: Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Purple; Swine Showmanship, Senior Swine Showmanship, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue.

Stratford, Robyn, South Side Sparks: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue; Swine Showmanship, Senior Swine Showmanship, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Purple.

Thurston, John, South Side Sparks: Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Refinished Cabinet, Woodworking, Unit 1, Any other item related to Woodworking Unit 1 project, Red; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Purple, Reserve Champion Junior Swine Showman; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Purple.

Thurston, Matthew, South Side Sparks: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue,

; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Purple; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Red.

Torgerson, Tally, Little Bitterroot: Beef Market, All breeds Market Blue; Beef Showmanship, Senior Beef Showmanship, Red; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Chocolate Revel Bars, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Any other item related to Baking 101 project, Purple, Grand Champion Senior; Cinnamon Twist, Food & Nutrition, Baking 101, Any other item related to Baking 101 project, Red.

Toyias, Madison, Thompson Falls Mountaineers: Making Hot Process Soap, Family Adventures, Create Your Own Adventure, Purple, Reserve Champion Junior.

Train, Cole, Whitepine Happy Workers: Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Red; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Red; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue.

Tulloch, Aubrey, Hot Springs Wranglers: Beef Showmanship, Junior Beef Showmanship, Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Breeding Interview, Blue; Senior Yearling bred heifer, Beef Breeding, Senior yearling heifer (born Jan 1 to May 31 of previous year), Purple; Beef Market, All breeds Market Purple; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue.

Tulloch, Mackenzie, Hot Springs Wranglers: Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Beef Market, All breeds Market Blue; Horse Showmanship, Junior Horse Showmanship, Red; Senior bred beef heifer, Beef Breeding, Senior yearling heifer (born Jan 1 to May 31 of previous year), Purple; Horse Interview, Horse Ranch Interview, Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Breeding Interview, Blue; Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 3 - Western, Red; Beef Showmanship, Junior Beef Showmanship, Blue; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Blue.

Tulloch, Marina, Hot Springs Wranglers: Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Purple; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Red,

; Horse Interview, Horse Ranch Interview, Blue; Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 2 - Western, Blue; Horse Showmanship, Beginner Horse Showmanship (1st or 2nd year in project), Red; Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Blue.

Uski, Georgia, Hot Springs Wranglers: Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Blue; a pirate ship, Cake Decorating, Level 1, Cake in a specialty pan, Blue, Reserve Champion Junior; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red.

Uski, Jesse, Hot Springs Wranglers: Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Red; Dog, Dog, Senior Rally Obedience, White; Swine Showmanship, Senior Swine Showmanship, Red; Dog, Dog Interview, Dog Interview, Blue; Dog, Dog Showmanship, Senior Dog Showmanship, Blue.

Uski, Josie, Hot Springs Wranglers: Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Blue; Horse Showmanship, Beginner Horse Showmanship (1st or 2nd year in project), Red; Photography, Level 2, 5X7 matted &/or framed, Level 2, Blue; Horse Interview, Horse Ranch Interview, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Blue; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Blue.

Wagoner, Carlie, South Side Sparks: Overall Horse Sportsmanship; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Purple; Green Green Horse , Level 1 - Western, Red; Poster of tack and animal, Horsemanship Western Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Horsemanship Western project, Blue; Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 3 - Western, Red; Horsemanship, Western, Western Bareback Equitation (open), Blue; Horsemanship, English, Horsemanship 2 - English, Blue; Horse Showing, Horse Showing 2, Blue; Horse Showmanship, Junior Horse Showmanship, Blue; Horse Interview, Horse Showing Interview, Blue; Team project with Sydnee Wilson, Horse Showing Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Horse Showing project, Blue; Horse Interview, Green Horse Western Interview, Purple; Horsemanship, English, English Bareback Equitation (walk-trot), Purple.

Wagoner, Westin, South Side Sparks: Swine Showmanship, Junior Swine Showmanship, Red; Hanging flower pot stand, Woodworking, Unit 1, Any other item related to Woodworking Unit 1 project, Blue; Swine Interview, Swine Market Interview, Red; Swine Market, All breeds Market Swine (210# minimum weight), Red; Poster of swine body and meat cuts, Swine Non-Animal, Ed display/poster related to Swine Market project, Blue.

Wilson, Savana, Whitepine Happy Workers: Goat Showmanship, Junior Goat Showmanship, Red; Meat Goat Market, Single Market Goat - all breeds, Purple, Reserve Champion Market Goat; Cat, Cat Interview, Cat interview, Purple, Top Cat Interview; Cat, Cat, Adult, long hair, Purple, Reserve Overall Cat; Cat, Cat Showmanship, Junior Cat Showmanship, Purple, Reserve Champion Junior Cat Showman; Goat Interview, Market Goat Interview, Blue; Cat, wonderwoman, Cat Non-Animal, Decorated cage, Purple.

Wilson, Sydnee, Whitepine Happy Workers: Beef Market, All breeds Market Blue; beef breeding, Beef Non-Animal, Ed display/poster related to Beef Breeding project, Blue; Horse Interview, Horse Showing Interview, Blue; Horse Showmanship, Junior Horse Showmanship, Blue, Grand Champion; Team project with Carlie Wagoner, Horse Showing Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Horse Showing project, Blue; bandaging horses, Veterinary Science, Unit 2, Ed display related to Vet Science, Unit 2 project, Blue; Beef Interview, Beef Market Interview, Blue; Breeding horses, Horse Independent Study Non-Animal, Ed display or poster related to Horse Independent Study project, Red; Beef Interview, Beef Breeding Interview, Blue; Horsemanship, English, Horsemanship 3 - English, Purple; Horse Interview, Horsemanship English Interview, Purple; Horsemanship, Western, Horsemanship 3 - Western, Blue; Horse Showing, Horse Showing 1, Blue; Beef Showmanship, Junior Beef Showmanship, Blue; Horse Interview, Horsemanship Western Interview, Purple.

Wrobleski, Andrew, South Side Sparks: Leathercraft, Unit 1, Coasters (or rounder) - Leathercraft Unit 1, Red; Leathercraft, Unit 1, Bookmark - Leathercraft Unit 1, Red; 1 Light Brahma pullet, Any other Purple; Buff Orpington pullet, Any other Purple; Poultry Interview, Poultry interview, Purple; Poultry Non-Animal, One dozen eggs, Purple; Poultry Showmanship, Junior Poultry Showmanship, Blue, Reserve Champion Junior Poultry Showman.

Wrobleski, Claire, South Side Sparks: Poultry Showmanship, Junior Poultry Showmanship, Purple, Grand Champion Junior Poultry Showman; medium sized brown/ green eggs, Poultry Non-Animal, One dozen eggs, Blue; Black Hat, Sewing & Textiles, Needlework - Beginning Knitting, Hat, Blue; Junior rooster, Purple; Poultry Interview, Top Poultry Interview, Poultry interview, Purple, Reserve Champion; Multi-colored lace patterned scarf, Sewing & Textiles, Needlework - Beginning Knitting, Any other item related to Beginning Knitting project, Purple, Grand Champion Junior; Blue Wheaten Americana Bantam pullet, Any other Purple; Brown Red Americana crossbred hen, Any other Purple; Ear Warmer, Sewing & Textiles, Needlework - Beginning Knitting, Ear warmer or ski band, Blue; Scrapbooking, Scrapbook page(s) that show journaling as a scrapbooking technique, Blue; Scrapbooking, Scrapbook page(s) that show mounting photos creatively, Blue.

Wrobleski, Katherine, South Side Sparks: Cloverbuds, Art display, MultiColor; Cloverbuds, Simple food item, MultiColor; Cloverbuds, Simple sewn item, MultiColor.


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