Independently owned since 1905

Question of the Week

How do you cook a Thanksgiving Day turkey?

FAITH STEWART, Trout Creek – “I just cook it! I put it in a pan and take the feathers off it and put them in the trash. I cut the head off with a knife and eat it.”

KOLTON HOLDEN, Trout Creek – “I put it in the oven. I take it out and then…well, then I just EAT IT!”

HARTLEIGH BLOCK, Trout Creek – “Put it in the oven. I cook it. I pull some meat off and put flowers on it.”

ROUGH RYDER, Trout Creek – “When you get home, when it's dead, you pluck it and then you throw its head outside and cook it and then eat it.”

LUKE DANA, Trout Creek – “Well, my mom and dad cook it.”

JAISYNN ETIENNE, Trout Creek – “Mom and dad cook it and put special, pretend things on it. Things like cherries, little bananas and apples.”


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