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The Sanders County DUI Task Force help their annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Luncheon recently. Each year, the DUI Task Force Chairman John Marshall and Vice Chairperson Jennifer McPherson invite Sanders County law enforcement department heads and elected officials to join them for lunch. The luncheon is an opportunity for each department to provide an update of their activities and upcoming plans for community involvement and DUI enforcement. This year’s luncheon was attended by the Montana Highway Patrol, Thompson Falls Police Department, Hot Springs Police Department and Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks.
The task force was fortunate to have Sanders County Commissioner Carol Brooker and County Attorney Naomi Leisz in attendance for the luncheon, as well as Abby Harnett, area director of the Western Montana Mental Health Center. Rep. Denley Loge from HD-14 attended, and the DUI Task Force said he was the first state representative or state senator from the district to accept the invitation.
Marshall updated the attendees on Red Ribbon Week essay contest as well as the Community Drug Awareness seminar that was held in Hot Springs November 18. McPherson, who is also a drug and alcohol prevention specialist working through the Western Montana Mental Health Center, gave a short update on upcoming underage drug and alcohol prevention efforts in Sanders County.
As part of the luncheon, appreciation awards were presented to local law enforcement officers for their work in the county. The recipients of the awards were nominated by their department heads. This year’s certificates of Appreciation were given to:
Trooper Zachary Rehbein of the Montana Highway Patrol: In recognition of his dedication to the maintenance of law and order. He is especially commended for his outstanding DUI Enforcement for fiscal year 2019.
Officer Robert Thornhill of Thompson Falls Police Department: In recognition of his dedicated service as the Thompson Falls School Resource Officer, his outstanding community involvement, safety enforcement and emergency preparedness and response.
Officer Jacob Winslow of Thompson Falls Police Department: In recognition of his dedication to the maintenance of law and order. He is especially commended for his outstanding DUI enforcement for fiscal year 2019.
Officer Logan Martin of Hot Springs Police Department: In recognition of his dedication to the maintenance of law and order. He is especially commended for his superior DUI enforcement for fiscal year 2019.
The Sanders County DUI Task Force would also like to extend a thank you to Ronda Wakefield of Two Rivers Grille & Catering. Once again, Two Rivers Grille & Catering showed their support for area law enforcement by catering the luncheon and, this time, providing the space for the luncheon itself.
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