Independently owned since 1905

Outlook not so good

I haven’t picked up a Ledger in a while, but I was curious to see what our local political heroes had to offer. First I read that our local candidates’ top priorities are “predator management.” I assume that means seeking penalties for local religious leaders who face no penalties because of archaic religious law? Or maybe it means finally trying to put a cap on the number of hunting outfitter days in this county?

Next I read that there were 250 people at a local meeting in Trout Creek with FWP. I was there and I only counted 105. Either my eye-sight is going bad or this reminds me of a recent presidential inauguration crowd (And I would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling cameras! Bigly!!).

Finally, I was glad to learn that us locals are still getting educated on national politics by a retired cop.

As my magic 8-ball used to say, “Outlook not so good.”

Ryan Kreiner,

Thompson Falls


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