Independently owned since 1905

City to create schedule for baseball field use

The Thompson Falls City Council’s meeting on Monday began with an acknowledgement to the passing of Bill Cain, Superintendent of Thompson Falls Public Schools. The acknowledgment was set for by council member Raoul Ribeiro, “I for one, am going to miss him, he was a really nice guy.”

The next topic on the meeting’s agenda was the question of a trailer at the top of Church Street. Council member Ruth Cheney noted the progress of the moving of that trailer is slow. Cheney said, “will that trailer go away?” According to Mary Jerry Lacy, the owner has been given two requests already, which is one past the mandatory allotment for notice. Only one 90-day extension is allowed by law. Cheney has filed another complaint and will continue to work on the issue.

The Baseball Field Use Agreement was next on the agenda. Problems over the lack of a set schedule, which has led to users having altercations over the time slots was brought forth. Suggestions that were brought to the council included having a posted schedule of when people are using the field. As well as an out of town user fee, for non-locals, which would help pay for mowing and watering. Issues with the concession stand were also brought up, locks to the building have been changed numerous times, which has resulted in the appliances being left on during the winter. A universal key was suggested as a resolution. “We need a formal agreement that is somewhat enforceable,” Lacy said. A motion was passed that the Public Works Department will meet with the Public Parks Committee and the city attorney to put together a formal agreement for use of the baseball fields, which are owned by the city and are public property.

The council received a Beautification Day request from Kathy Conlin. The council agreed to pay for the usual advertising, use of equipment and new fertilizer. “We will continue with the usual participation in the Beautification Days,” Lacy stated.

The Forest Service is considering selling the easement on Columbia Street. While there is no formal easement, the Forest Service needs a formal agreement with the adjacent property owners acknowledging that it is still a public street. The selling of the easement from the Forest Service was approved by the council.

A request for the purchase of property on Adams Street was brought to the council by Mike and Julia Rider. The interested party would like to purchase the property and keep it as a wildlife habitat, with the possibility of creating a garden on the workable piece of the property. Lacy said there is an appraisal and a survey that is required by the state before the sell can be completed. The request was approved to move forward with property purchase request, contingent upon interested parties absorbing the cost and completing the required appraisal and survey.

The next city council meeting will be Monday, March 9, at 6 p.m.


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