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For the greater community

Last weeks editorials caught my attention! It seems with some folks it’s all about themselves and their little world. Thank you Mayor Lacy and council for seeing the future and working for the greater good to the city and surrounding community, everyone’s sanitation and the extended benefits to the water table and our descendants! We, as a community all need and use the water table in one way or another! The alternative ways to escape the expense seem even less affordable - buy your own place in the country and foot the entire multi-thousand dollar bill of installation and maintenance, or move into a living facility which takes care of these things for you, for a price of course! Seems as we get older, sometimes we just get more of who we are, no surprises here!

Thank you editor for bringing attention to the problem of “Littering” and uncontained Trash” on area roadways, and refuse disposal days! If we put as much oversight on “littering” as is put on other offenses, we would have more money in county and state coffers and a lot less trash on the roads and area properties. I’ve never been in favor of citations and over-regulation, but it’s time! The listed fee for littering is more than I’ve seen listed on other offenses, yet I see few or no fines about uncontained trash and littering? Let’s not let the few who don’t care ruin it for everyone else who cares.

One more request and observation for the greater community! If you are someone who would like to see the “straight-a-way sections” of the new construction and “Eddy Flats” returned to 70 MPH, an end to this speed trap nonsense, and to end the unnecessary bottle-necking of commerce and daily traffic, and to end the resentment of the area by unnecessary fines and citations! PLEASE call the Dept. of Transportation, Helena - under Gov’t. listings in the phone book, ask politely for change! [Please! - Thank you!- I have!].

It appears the few sheep and goats that haven’t been eaten by wolves and lions or decimated by disease, seem to like the faster pace, or maybe it’s the wide open spaces without fences, which is where they have been seen recently, the 70MPH ZONE! How many millions of dollars did we just spend on barricading the highway! Stop blaming “all” drivers for “one idiot” for the last 10 years! Make those fancy signs read - ATTENTION: Truckers, Vehicle Drivers - wildlife replacement cost to “YOU” in this area “VERY EXPENSIVE.” Drive defensively for the animals - “OR PAY BIG DOLLARS”!!! Thanks for reading!

Ross R. Wilkinson,

Thompson Falls


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